How to Take Great Product Photos Without Spending a Lot of Money

Using the equipment you might already own

Kim Zuch


Handmade soap. Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Have you ever looked at product photos on Instagram and wondered how they were done? There are no harsh shadows, the lighting is just right, and the focus is on the main product. Some products have an attractive neutral background, while other backgrounds are white.

I’ve owned a small soap business since 2016. Since then, I’ve struggled to take nice pictures for Facebook and Instagram. When I added a website last year, pictures became even more important.

I was frustrated and embarrassed by my lack of photography skills (see below), so I turned to YouTube. There are a lot of great DIY photography videos. Most of them use materials that can be purchased at the dollar store or a grocery store with a school supplies section.

If you want to take your own photographs for a blog, social media, Etsy, or website, it’s worth your time to try some of these tricks.

My photography equipment includes my iPhone, a small light ring, and a piece of white poster board. I don’t use any photo editing software, except for the color adjustment feature on my phone.

I bought the light ring on Amazon for $6.99 plus tax. The poster board cost $1, and I already had…



Kim Zuch

I write about nature, birdwatching, the outdoors, and conservation issues. I like to share pictures and sometimes my dogs show up. Twitter: @kimclawson2