How to Turn Your Writing Into a Profitable Business (2 Hours a Day)

From side hustle to full-time freedom

The Human Project
4 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” — Wayne Gretzky

Writing doesn’t have to be a hobby — it can be a lucrative business. With dedication and strategy, your words can generate real income.

What if you only had 2 hours per day to build a writing empire? It’s totally possible if you maximize those 120 precious minutes.

Here’s how to turn your writing dreams into a profitable reality:

Niche Down and Research Up

Don’t try to be everything to everyone — that’s a surefire way to blend into the noise. Pick a niche topic you’re passionate about, whether it’s productivity hacks or ferret grooming.

Once you’ve claimed your niche, obsessively research every angle. Read books, articles, and Reddit threads — become an info-sponge on your specialty.

When you deeply understand your niche, your credibility skyrockets. That’s when clients will happily fork over cash for your insights.

Optimize Your Productive Bursts

With just 2 hours per day, you can’t afford to waste a single second. Identify your peak productive periods and prioritize deep work then.

Are you a frenetic morning person or a nocturnal wordsmith? Align your writing schedule with your prime energy windows.

Then eliminate every distraction for those sacred 120 minutes. Disable notifications, unplug the internet — do whatever prevents mindless scrolling.

Develop a Niche-Based Portfolio

Your portfolio is your sales pitch, your proof you can deliver the goods. Carefully curate examples showcasing your niche expertise.

Start by reinventing some of your personal writing projects through the lens of your niche. That old zombie apocalypse novella? Reframe it as an allegory for productivity slumps.

Don’t have a big writing portfolio yet? Craft a few stellar pieces on relevant topics to serve as shining samples.

The goal is to demonstrate your focused value to prospective clients.

Leverage Content Marketing Alchemy

As writers, our most powerful asset isn’t just words — it’s the ability to attract readers. Every blog post, article, or ebook becomes a magnet for your ideal clients.

Consistently churn out high-quality niche content loaded with value. Share expert insights, life lessons, philosophical musings — whatever serves your niche.

Each piece is a breadcrumb trail leading rapt readers straight to your service offerings. That’s when your content stops just informing…and starts straight-up selling.

Diversify Income Streams

Don’t make your business a single-thread towel at risk of unraveling. Weave together multiple income sources from day one.

Create digital products like ebooks or courses sharing your niche expertise. Self-publish novels or nonfiction books through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Offer coaching, consulting, and freelance services tapping into your niche skills.

Each new revenue stream expands your income potential and hedges against downturns. Pretty soon those 2 hours a day could sustain a full-time living.

Build Your Writing Empire in the Margins

Maybe you’re a cubicle novelist holding court from a dingy break room. Or a suburban scribe cranking out missives in the pickup line carpool chaos.

No matter your circumstances, there’s time to build if you maximize the margins. Scribble on the train, dictate during chores, brainstorm story beats while showering.

Carry a notebook and capture ideas whenever inspiration strikes. I’ve hastily scrawled novel concepts on receipts, coasters, and even an old Ziploc bag.

When you can steal just minutes here and there, that time compounds quickly. Soon those stolen margins transmogrify into a mighty book or business.

Find Your Whys and Honor the Hustle

At some point, the excuses will come knocking with Siren's calls of giving up. The existential dread of “Why am I doing this anyway?” will claw at your motivation.

To bulldoze past those mental roadblocks, define your big WHYs for writing. What gets you fired up to create? Is it generating passive income or leaving a legacy?

Once your WHYs are crystal clear, honor that internal pull with relentless hustle. Write when convenient, yes — but write MOST when it’s ridiculously inconvenient.

I’ve pounded out rough drafts at 3 AM with a squirming newborn strapped to my chest. Some of my best work emerged from stolen moments of chaos.

The hustle becomes self-fueling once you taste those first wins. Embrace the solopreneur grind as your new definition of freedom.

Don’t Ask for Permission — Just Start

The beautiful (and terrifying) reality of writing a business? You don’t need anyone’s permission or credentials to chase those ink-stained dreams.

No MBA or creative writing degree is required to stake your claim. Just start bleeding words onto pages and never stop growing.

My friend, there’s never been a better time to stake your claim as a wildly prolific author. Platforms like Substack and Gumroad make publishing and monetizing a breeze.

Stop idly dreaming and start madly creating today. Your weird, wonderful writing enterprise is a mere 120 minutes away.

Even just 2 hours per day can yield profound results over time. Now’s the perfect moment to pour those productive bursts into your legacy.

So grab that pen or keyboard and unleash the next chapter of your writing life. Let’s get that empire built, one quirky, authentic word at a time!



The Human Project

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