How To Wake Up Early?

I have been waking up at 5 A.M. every day for the past 2 years. But How?

Mohamed Anas
3 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

By consistently waking up 2 hours earlier than normal, you will get an additional 2.5 years of lifetime over three decades.

Most people are ready to set their alarm at 5:00 A.M., but when it rings, our minds say, “Just 5 minutes”. That is the crucial time; if you hit the snooze button, then you will wake up as usual at 7 or 8, getting ready as fast as possible and rushing to work.

But if you didn’t hit snooze, it’s a different story; that’s the time you will see the sunrise and listen to the birds. If you want to wake up early, then make sure to read this story.

Here are the 3 tips to wake up early:

1. Sleep Early

Yes, you must sleep early in order to wake up early. Research shows that people who sleep late and wake up late feel more lazy and sleepy throughout the day.

To sleep early, you need to create a sleeping pattern. For example, if your sleeping pattern is from 10 P.M. to 5 A.M., Make sure to go to sleep at 10 P.M., whatever happens.

Try to avoid using laptops or mobile phones before sleep. The blue rays emitted from electronic devices signal our brains to stay active at night.

At least try to use your mobile in “Night light” mode.

Photo by Dipqi Ghozali on Unsplash

2. Gradual Changes:

Consider you are waking up at 7 A.M. If you want to wake up at five, then avoid setting an alarm for 5 in the first week.

Instead, try to wake up at 6.30 for the first week, then 6 for the second week, followed by 5:30, and then 5.

This method allows your body to adapt to a new schedule more gradually, and it also makes waking up early feel natural.

3. Power Factor

If you are planning to go running in the morning after wakeup while you hate running, then there is very little chance that you will wake up early.

You must find a power factor that excites you to wake up in the morning. For example, if you love weight lifting, then you should do weight lifting in the morning after waking up.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

In this case, weightlifting acts as a power factor. The power factor could be anything like doing yoga, meditation, reading books, whatever makes you happy and excited.

These are the three tips for waking up early. I hope this might be useful for you and make sure to check my other stories, and don’t forget to clap and follow.

“The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years.” — Thomas Jefferson



Mohamed Anas

Makes stories about tech, history, books, space, stoicism and leadership📚💻🕵️‍♂️📜🌍