How to Write Headlines So Good People Can’t Look Away

Headline/hook writing mini-course

Ajayi Olalekan
3 min readNov 30, 2023


Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

Crafting an irresistible headline is just as important as writing compelling content. Without a hook, no one clicks through to read your beautiful prose and imaginative stories.

As a writer active in digital media for over a decade, I've seen phenomenal articles get ignored because the headlines couldn't grab attention.

On the flip side, some average pieces went viral thanks solely to headline hype.

The truth is your headline’s power fuels your content’s visibility. Master click-worthy headlines, and more eyes convert to your writing.

If you want readers loyal to your writing, be sure to read this crash course on penning hypnotic hooks that score viral victories.

No fluffs, no B.S., just some actionable tips you can begin implementing in your next article.

1. Ask Engaging Questions

Spark intrigue by asking readers questions that connect to solutions ahead in your content.

Align answers to questions with what the full piece covers.


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  • Tired of Rejection Emails?

2. Highlight Interesting Data

Share fascinating stats related to issues your readers care about. Sprinkle numbers sparingly to convey thought leadership.


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3. Make Bold Promises

Exceed expectations by explicitly promising aspirational outcomes aligned to your readers’ goals. Then, over-deliver on those bold claims.


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4. Connect to Reader Desires

Tap into core human motivations like freedom, money, health, confidence, and growth.

Show how your content unlocks outcomes readers strongly desire.


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Of course, you need great content to retain readers long-term. But irresistible headlines hook them first. Stop overlooking this key piece and start writing winners!

5. Add Urgency With Timelines

Promising readers dazzling transformations by specific deadlines implants actionable hope within stated time periods, adding accountability to aim progress.


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6. Use Impactful Adjectives

Adorning headlines with adjectives and adverbs amplifying outcomes subcommunicates delivery on quantified qualitative improvements resonating emotionally once read.


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7. Stack Benefits Artfully

End your headlines by highlighting multiple advantages unlocked through consuming your content.

This ramps up perceived value exchanges, thereby justifying clicks and the time that will be spent reading.


  • How I Landed 5 Book Deals and Bestseller Status
  • I Made 6-Figures Blogging Just 8 Hours Per Week

I hope you find these tips helpful.

As the next steps, would you be interested in joining my 90-day small group writing coaching cohort launching in January 2023? Just for five people.

I offer personal feedback and guidance to boost skills quickly.

Just leave me a comment to learn more or send me an email —

If this was helpful, be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do), leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot — smiles), and share this with someone you know needs it (they say sharing is caring).

Additional resource: “5 Tips for Writing in a Compelling Way



Ajayi Olalekan

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —