
In the Light of others

Sana Eman
2 min readNov 4, 2023


Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

A person is called a human when no one is hurt by one’s existence. Humanity is the quality of human beings, gifted by God, and it is the one and foremost quality that distinguishes human beings from other creations. It encompasses compassion, empathy, and a sense of shared community that binds us together and guides us to treat others with dignity, kindness, and respect. It inspires acts of kindness, selflessness, and benevolence, serving as a guiding light of hope in times of darkness and despair.

But as the world is progressing rapidly, in the same way, humanity is becoming corrupted. Such corruption leads to the destruction of moral values. Nowadays, We only see humans but not humanity. Various factors are the reason for the way we treat, interact, communicate, and behave with others.

People are getting jealous and selfish day by day, no one is happy with the success of others. There are no rights for the poor people. Most of the people treated them as a slave. There is no value for other’s feelings and emotions. Everyone is trying to bring each other down. People prefer personal gain over communal welfare.

Life is not just about gaining personal benefits such as money, power, fame, and domination over others, it’s about humanity.

Humanity is all about the following:

Humanity means caring for and helping others whenever and wherever possible.

Humanity means helping others at times when they need the help most.

Humanity means forgetting our selfish interests at times when others need our help.

Humanity means being loving and caring towards all living beings even plants and animals.

Humanity means extending unconditional love to every living being on Earth.

Helping anyone who is in need is humanity . It’s a request to understand another person’s problem, realize the situation they are in, and be considerate.

One is always remembered for his or her good deeds and it is essential to understand that there is no better deed than providing services for humanitarian causes.

We must all come together to show true humanity and help other humans, animals, and our environment to heal and prosper.

Now it’s time for Self introspection. What is the level of your humanity? Are you able to call yourself human?



Sana Eman

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