I am Happier since…..

Dipalee Katre Rahangdale
3 min readApr 19, 2024
Image Of the Writer

Hey, Beloved Reader!

I am super Happy.

I enjoy my own company, and I am not seeking external validation from others. Whether someone admires me or supports me in particular things, I take responsibility for my happiness.

It isn’t determined solely by external circumstances, but rather by the internal choices I make every day.

To stay this way, I’ll share the habits I’ve started and applied in my life. And you know what? I’m still super happy. So, without further ado, let’s jump into the habits.

I- started believing that I could do hard things: Adopting the belief that I am capable of conquering difficult tasks has been empowering. Instead of shying away from challenges.

I embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. This shift in mindset has infused me with a newfound sense of confidence and resilience.

I-Focusing on Progress, Not Perfection: Perfectionism can be a roadblock to happiness, as it often leads to unrealistic expectations and self-criticism. By shifting my focus from perfection to progress.

I celebrate each step forward, no matter how small. This approach fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates me to keep moving forward.

I-Mindfully Allocated of Time and Energy:
Time and energy are precious resources, and where I invest them greatly influences my happiness.

By being mindful of how I allocate my time and energy, I ensure that I prioritize activities and relationships that bring me joy and fulfilment. This intentional approach has helped me create a more balanced and fulfilling life.

I- Realised the Process of Figuring Things Out: Life is a journey of constant discovery, and I’ve learned that I don’t need to have all the answers right away. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by uncertainty.

I embrace the process of figuring things out one step at a time. This mindset shift has alleviated pressure and allowed me to approach challenges with curiosity and openness.

I-Appreciating the Beauty in Everyday Moments: Happiness isn’t just found in grand gestures or significant milestones; it’s also present in the small, everyday moments.

By intentionally seeking out and appreciating the beauty in everyday life, from a colourful sunrise, and the beauty of flowers to a heartfelt conversation, I cultivate a deep sense of gratitude and contentment.

I-Taking Ownership and Action Towards Goals: Excuses are the enemies of progress, and I’ve stopped allowing them to hold me back. Instead of making excuses.

I take ownership of my goals and commit to taking consistent action towards achieving them. This proactive approach empowers me to make meaningful progress and creates a sense of accomplishment.

I-Cultivating Gratitude and Abandoning Complaints: Shifting from a mindset of complaint to one of gratitude has been transformative. Rather than focusing on what I lack or what’s going wrong.

I choose to acknowledge and appreciate the abundance in my life. This practice of gratitude has brought greater joy, positivity, and perspective into my daily life.


I’ve learned that happiness isn’t a final destination — it’s an ongoing journey, ever-evolving and ever-enriching. Through embracing these habits, my perspective on life has undergone a profound shift, leading to an overall sense of well-being that I never knew was possible.

Every day is now an opportunity, a blank canvas upon which I paint my happiness by incorporating these transformative habits into my routine. By doing so, I’ve woven a tapestry of meaning, fulfilment, and joy into the fabric of my existence.

I hope you found this reading insightful and inspiring. Your thoughts and feedback are always welcome. Until we meet again, may your journey be filled with endless possibilities and boundless happiness.

See you soon!



Dipalee Katre Rahangdale

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