I Got My Law Degree on Facebook

Study systemic racism before you deny it

Jeffrey Kass


woman using social media on her phone
Photo by Kaspars Grinvalds on Shutterstock

I’m not one to post about physical ailments online or seek medical advice from social media connections, but we’ve all seen posts that do.

An acquaintance asked her Facebook feed if anyone knew what to do about an infected ingrown hair on her neck.


Aside from TMI, what did she mean by “anyone?” I wanted to respond to her post and say, “Yes, actually, your physician might know.” Even WebMD might fare better than the 27 of your 3,000 followers Facebook allows to see your posts.

It’s worse when it comes to legal issues.

So many of us are quick to comment on or form passionate opinions about constitutional or other legal issues without ever having read any legal books or, in some cases, the actual super-lengthy four-page constitution.

I’ve seen the phrase “that’s unconstitutional” from non-lawyers on social media more than once.

But where the endless social media expertise gets me the most is when it comes to discussing racism embedded into the very core of our American institutions and systems.

Far too many people knee-jerk dismiss how race issues are weaved into the fabric of so many aspects of American society without…



Jeffrey Kass

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad