I Let Go 3 things, and it made me rich

Alan Yunes
7 min read5 days ago


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Life is more about deffense then offense.

You watch every single productivity YouTube video, your FYP on TikTok is filled with motivational David Goggins videos and you have read every single self-help book

But at the end of the day, it means nothing unless you unshackle yourself

All of it it’s pointless because you may take one step forward, but you just take two steps back unless you let go of these three things

You can wave goodbye to ever seeing $1,000,000 sat in your bank account because life is more about defence then offence.

Just look at Floyd Mayweather who became the highest paid athlete by mastering the art of defense.

Or just look at Warren Buffett, his number one rule of investing is don’t lose money.

So, when you give up these three things, your defense is stronger, you make yourself stronger.

And you’re already at such massive advantage.

#1 Drinking

The first thing you need to give up if you want to become rich is drinking.

Now, before you click away and. You think, oh, these are obvious.

Listen, most of success is obvious, yet you still don’t do it, so it’s not about hearing unique ideas. It’s about hearing the ideas you’ve always heard, but having someone that you trust explain it to you in a logical manner.

In 2019, Scientists found out that among adults, high-level alcohol consumption, and sometimes also low, has been associated with poorer social integration and mental health.

You need to understand that drinking is literally the devil.

It puts a cloud over your mind. It ruins your sleep. It leads to bad decisions as well as very illogical and very emotional decisions.

Quite simple, you need to understand that if you drink and someone else doesn’t, they have a competitive advantage, they will destroy you in the marketplace.

So, ladies and gentlemen, until you see a million in the bank, don’t drink.

If you are under the age of 30, having a strong body and having strong finances will set you up for the rest of your life.

If you get to the end of your 20s with a solid foundation in those two things, it is really hard to fail the rest of your life because you’ve built such strong roots and you’ve given yourself such an advantage as well as the right habit stack to carry through for the rest of your life.

Of course, there is the financial side of it, drinking actually costs a lot of money and then more importantly, there is the cognitive side of it.

Because I didn’t drink, going clubbing and partying was not that appealing to me. I basically just stayed at home, locked in and worked on my business. And that is when I went from having one client in my business early 2017 to making 70 to $80,000 a month profit from my business 2 years after.

#2 Dating

I know this sounds crazy, but bear with me. I’ll explain

This applies for both men and women

Until the age of 25, don’t even worry about finding a partner. Also, don’t fear women, Interact with women, don’t be a weirdo

Of course, if you find someone attractive, go speak to them, compliment them.

This goes hand in hand with drinking because obviously most of the time when you’re on dates, you’re drinking as well, you need to understand as a man your glory years are from the ages of 28 to 38.

That’s really the years where women find you the most attractive.

You know, it’s funny. I even have friends that would never even go near a guy if he’s under the age of 30, you could take the exact same guy. And change his age from 32 to 24 and she just would simply not find him attractive anymore.

In general, women are looking for older men because usually they bring more stability, more guidance, more wisdom, more direction.

So as a man, if you know that, why not spend all of your younger years working on yourself.

Make something of yourself, become the man that you want to become, and then go present yourself to the world.

I’m going to be honest, If you have a clear idea of what your dream girl should look like, you probably can’t get her right now.

So, what’s the point in going out there on dates on Tinder? Getting drunk? All of this to settle for a woman that is subpar from the vision of who you want to be with.

Why not just lock yourself, go away, work on yourself as a man for a few years in every area of your life, and then in three years, five years, eight years present yourself to the world and you will be able to get your dream woman easily

#3 Keeping up appearances

We all heard or read stories about successful athletes of celebrities who went broke after amassing millions of dollars, due to bad money decisions

So, the last thing you need to give up if you want to be rich is keeping up appearances no matter what position you get in life

Unlike drinking and women, once you get to a certain place in life, it does make sense to incorporate those into your life again. If that’s something you want.

Everyone is wired differently, everyone wants different things from life, but keeping up appearances is something that you should never, ever divulge in ever.

I can tell you that a lot of you are stuck because, you are paying for a car you cannot afford, buying all this Gucci, Balenciaga, even though you can’t afford it.

You’re flexing, you’re stunning on Instagram, even though you are broke

I know of people who make $20 million a year and spend $30 million

I know that sounds ridiculous and crazy, but there are some people that simply get all their worth from the money they spend, the lifestyle that they present. That’s it.

I have a very pragmatic approach, I save and invest 70% of everything I make, and I know that a lot of friends look at my lifestyle and think it’s crazy that sometimes I spend upwards of half $1,000,000 a month.

But for me it’s just percentages and when I had no money when I was broke, I was very aware of the fact that when I make money that is the most dangerous place to be because that is where you stop keeping track of money.

That’s where you just spend Willy nilly and the empire that you build can collapse in a second.

Keeping up appearances, no matter what position you get to in life is something you need to let go of if you want to become and stay rich.

There’s no playbook on what to do once you get money like there’s no one who has a guide that tells you, hey, spend money on this because it’s worth it, don’t spend money on this.

There’s not that much advice out there

So, I tell you this, as you start to make some money, you will probably need to get it out of your system, you will probably need to flex a little and stun your money and throw it around,

But then you’re going to get to a point where you’re very comfortable with your wealth and for me comfortable with your wealth does not mean that you have to be humble so that way other people think you’re humble.

If you want to fly private or want to spend money on this, you want to spend money on that, do it. It’s your money. as long as it’s reasonable.

If you’re saving and investing a good chunk of your money, I think comfortable with your wealth is when one is expensive and a lot of people will be jealous or envious of it, and the other may be cheaper.

But you like the cheaper thing and you’re not going to get as much recognition for it, but you still go for it.

For example; comfortable with your wealth is when buying a car, you opt for a Tesla rather than a Rolls Royce even though you can afford both of them and the Rolls Royce is a head turner and a luxury car that you can flex

The reason I sell this is because you’re going to go through an arc and you’re going toget to a point where eventually you settle into your money, and you don’t feel like you need to keep up appearances.

You don’t need to feel like you need to constantly upgrade your lifestyle for other people.

You just do things because you like it.

There’s a lot of people who have a lot of money, but they’re so caught up with keeping up appearances, that they’re slaves to their money. They’re slaves to keeping up this facade that they have.


So, ladies and gentlemen, those are three things that you need to give up if you want to get rich and stay rich

Because this whole process of getting rich and staying rich, it’s not a one year or two years process

This is a 10 year plus journey.

You need to remember that you’re going toput one foot forward in front of others for years

And as I said at the beginning, life is just as much about defense then offense.

So, protect yourself, make sure you’re strong, make sure there are no leaks in your vessel

And on that note, I’ll be rooting for you.

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Alan Yunes

Dad | Digital Marketing Strategist | I've helped over 100 brands craft a captivating online presence, reach wider audiences, and fuel brand growth.