I Tried Writing with AI & Got Kicked Out of a Publication!

This post was written by a human

Scribbling Lion


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I thought I’d muck about with artificial intelligence — ChatGPT, to be exact. I’m experimenting here and not trying to be politically correct. This is my experimental account for things that might otherwise be too personal, or too offensive, or just for the heck of it.

I decided to experiment with using Chat GPT because the stuff I’d written by hand had gained no traction. Literally, no one read it. So, I thought I’d experiment with the dreaded AI and see if I could do any better with that.

A couple of posts got a few reads. Some people even liked them. But people soon got wise to my antics, and some people probably blocked me. One publication kicked me out, and others refused to publish my submissions. That went well, then.

By the time I’d posted a few more AI stories, no one was reading them. 😆 To be fair, they were quite boring. But it was an interesting experiment. LOL.

So, I’m back to writing by hand, and we’ll see. My last story, a strong unpopular opinion, got some reads and a little pushback. That was interesting. I think the algorithm has changed favorably for new writers since I started on Medium last year, got nowhere, and gave up.

Here’s to a more successful 2024!

Written by a human. Not AI.



Scribbling Lion

Here to tell stories that will entertain, shock & inspire.