I Went to China and Here’s My Honest Experience

That you might want to read Today!

Mayur Jadhav
2 min readAug 5, 2024


Mayur Jadhav in China, image by Mayur Jadhav

I spent a week in China as part of my EMBA exchange program, and here’s my honest experience.

Having lived most of my life in Asia, I thought I had a good grasp of the region, but my EMBA journey has truly broadened my perspective on global business.

This trip provided valuable insights into how businesses operate in China.

Walking through the city, I was struck by how much it reminded me of Europe in many ways.

Here are some of my key experiences:

  • No use of cash at all
  • WeChat and Alipay, the two super apps, for everything
  • Bicycles for rent are everywhere
  • Public transportation is excellent
  • The city is incredibly clean, at least in Shanghai
  • People are incredibly kind and generous

While it’s possible to learn about China online, nothing compares to firsthand experience. Being there allowed me to truly understand:

  • The culture
  • How people think
  • At a glance, what works and what doesn’t in the business environment

In short, you get a comprehensive, 360-degree view of what it’s like to do business in that unique context.

This is why traveling is essential — there’s so much to learn just by walking the streets.

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Mayur Jadhav

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