If you want to succeed, you must cherish your time and do everything proactively

7 min readMar 16, 2024

If you want to succeed, you must cherish your time and do everything proactively

What is the fastest and slowest, the longest and shortest, the most ordinary and precious, the most overlooked and regrettable thing in the world?

Yes, it’s time.

Cherishing time is my principle.

If space is not so fair, then time is quite fair.

The most precious gift God has given to each of us is time.

Because no matter how wealthy people are, they cannot buy more time with money. There is a saying that shows that money cannot buy time, that is, “An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.”

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No matter how poor a person is, he still has 24 hours a day for his use.

“So when I wash my hands, the days pass by in the basin;

When eating, the days pass through the rice bowl:

When there is silence, it passes in front of the staring eyes.

I feel that it has gone away so hurriedly, so I reach out my hands to hold it back, but it keeps flowing past my withholding hands again.

In the evening, as I lie in bed, he would stride over my body in his agile way,

flew away from my feet.

When I open my eyes and see the sun again, another day has slipped away. “

It vividly tells us: Time flies by and life is short.

Time is the most precious thing we have. We can retain friends, but we cannot retain time. As the saying goes, “time is gone and will never come back.”

Time is like the river flowing eastward and never looks back, so we have no reason not to cherish time.

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Haier President Zhang Ruimin believes that the biggest problem with Chinese people is that they are not serious about doing things, do not do things well, and lack a little bit of work every day, which will become a chronic symptom of falling behind over time.

He thought that a management mechanism was needed to deal with this problem. This mechanism should also undertake the following functions. The company would still function well whether the leader was present or not.

Therefore, he invented a management method called “OEC”,

Where “O” stands for “Overall”, meaning “comprehensive”,

“E” stands for “Everyone, Everything, Everyday”, meaning “everyone, everything, every day”,

°C “stands for “Control and C lear”, which means “control and cleanup”. Its meaning is to comprehensively control and clean up everything that everyone does every day, so as to achieve “everything is completed every day, and every day is completed.” “Qing Ri Gao”, every day’s work is completed every day, and the quality of every day’s work is slightly (1%) improved.

In this way, every cadre from the workshop workers to the group headquarters knows what they should do every day, and may even evaluate their own work and receive the remuneration they deserve.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Specifically, the OEC management model means that everything in the enterprise is managed by someone every day. All people have management and control content, and they execute the matters they control according to work standards according to the prescribed plan, and report the implementation results and plans every day. Indicators are compared, summarized, and corrected to achieve the purpose of controlling the development process of things every day and everything, and ensuring that things develop towards the predetermined goals.

This management method can be summarized in five sentences: no items are left out in the general ledger, everything is managed by someone, everyone is in charge, management is based on results, and management of people is based on assessment.

Keeping no missing items in the general ledger is the basis for the implementation of the Haier model. It refers to dividing all things in the enterprise into two categories according to things (software) and things (hardware), and establishing a general ledger so that all things and things in the normal operation of the enterprise are included. Being within the control network ensures that the system is complete and there are no missing items.

Someone is in charge of everything and everyone is in charge, which means that all the things and objects in the general ledger are detailed and implemented to personnel at all levels, and job responsibilities at all levels and work standards for each matter are formulated.

In order to achieve the purpose of controlling everything, everyone establishes a work ledger according to their responsibilities. Clarify each person’s management scope, work content, work standards for each work, work frequency, planned progress, completion deadline, assessor, value, etc. To ensure its completeness, each person’s ledger is managed by his or her superior supervisor It will take effect after review.

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Managing things by results and managing people by assessment means that during the implementation process, everyone must carry out work within the scope of their duties according to the requirements of the work ledger. With relative freedom, everyone can exert their creative abilities and strive to meet the requirements. Use the shortest possible time within the deadline to complete various tasks that meet or even exceed standards.

For managers, monthly accounts plus daily clearing sheets are controlled, that is, one sheet per day, clarifying the day’s tasks, and submitting them to superior leaders for assessment when they get off work. If they are not completed, the reasons and solutions must be explained;

Production workers are controlled by the “3E” (Everyone, Everything, Everyday) card. This form is filled in by inspectors every two hours. At the end of each day, the results are compared with the standards one by one and recorded.

After passing the self-examination, attach various materials or evidence proving work performance and submit it to the superior leader for review, which is a re-examination.

The superior leaders will conduct A, B, and C classification assessments based on their work progress, work quality, etc. compared with the standards.

Reviews are not repeated inspections, but focus on actual results, and verify the degree of system control through regular spot checks on certain links in the process.

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After the review is completed, the worker’s day’s work performance and day’s pay will be displayed.

In establishing a distribution mechanism, Haier’s model adopts a point-based distribution model with one position, one responsibility, and one salary per position. Job positions are based on the knowledge, skill requirements, work experience, workload, mental and physical strength that employees should possess. Distribution ratios, speed of knowledge update, etc. are divided scientifically, and take-home pay is ultimately calculated based on work effectiveness assessment. Workers’ wages are filled in on the “3E” card every day, and the wages are cashed on the “3E” card at the end of the month.

Time is the most precious of all wealth, and no treasure can be compared with time.

Our only wealth is that we have a lifetime. Life is a quantitative indicator that gradually disappears. Every time the rooster crows at dawn, our wealth decreases a little more.

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Many people fail because they themselves are a “waste of time.”

Maybe time is meaningless to that person, so he wastes it wantonly. A meaningless life makes every second feel very long.

Therefore, if we want to succeed, we must cherish time and do everything proactively.

The best way to cherish time is to be clear about your life goals before deciding how to use your time.

Only in this way will we know what we have done, what we are doing at this moment, and what we will do next moment;

We will also know how to treat other people’s time. Time is accumulated in minutes and seconds. Only those who are good at using time will achieve greater results, while those who cannot use time will complain about not having enough time.

Someone has said that time can buy money, but money cannot buy time;

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Some people have also said that time cannot increase a person’s life span, but cherishing time can make life more valuable.

From now on, what reason do you have for not cherishing your time?

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