Illuminating the Path: Navigating Mental Illnesses and Awakening Spiritual Gifts

The connection between mental illness and spiritual gifts

The Beautiful Mystic


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There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” ― Leonard Cohen

Mental illness and spiritual gifts may seem like two completely unrelated topics, but there is an evolving belief that they are more connected than we could have ever imagined.

Many people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses have also experienced increased spiritual awareness or psychic capabilities.

I have researched and explored this topic for quite some time now. After meeting numerous people with diagnosed mental illnesses but also very advanced spiritual and psychic gifts, I set out to find the potential link between mental illness and spiritual gifts. I noticed that many mental illnesses mirror certain attributes of certain psychic and spiritual gifts.

The Connection Between Mental Illness and Spiritual Gifts

Many people who have gone through some sort of spiritual awakening have made claims that they have also experienced symptoms of many different mental illnesses.



The Beautiful Mystic

Writer, intuitive, and empath trying to help raise the vibration of humanity and help people find their purpose! My website: