An open letter to Medium.

I’m no longer waiting for the Medium Partner Program to launch in India

I’m glad that you guys didn’t promise a date this time.

Inu Etc
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Steven Houston on Unsplash

Since 2018, I’ve been waiting for the Medium Partner Program to launch in India, and I was at the peak of excitement when they announced that they would launch in India. The news made me so happy that I published articles to share my excitement with others.

We all remember waiting until midnight, refreshing pages. At midnight, we heard that they couldn’t launch in India. We all felt extremely sad and broken.

I understand their problems, but I don’t understand how Twitter and other platforms can pay us. I don’t understand how you can charge us money (Medium membership) but not give us anything back.

It’s okay, Medium, take your time.

I’m no longer waiting for the Medium Partner Program to launch in India. We can make money by writing articles in a variety of ways.

Image Source — The Medium Blog

However, I’m glad that you guys didn’t promise a date this time. Whether it’s in early 2024, early 2025, or whenever, just do something for Indian writers. As you guys know, India is one of the countries where Medium receives most of its traffic.

We have many writers, as well as many readers. So, please do something for us and don’t forget about other countries. You guys are trying, and I appreciate that.

Medium is a great platform, and I love writing on it. I can write forever for $0 too, but it’s always good to have an extra income stream.

Hope you guys bring something really good for all the writers waiting for the Medium Partner Program, and keep Medium as the best writing and reading platform out there.

Take your time.


Inu Etc

Thanks for reading this article. 💚

If you loved what you read, would you be able to buy me a cup of coffee? Or purchase a copy of Ups and Downs? It’s okay if you can’t right now.

If you have any questions or if you wanna work with me, feel free to contact me. I’m always available to help young hustlers like you @InuEtc on Instagram.

Keep hustling!



Inu Etc

I help young hustlers build their own online businesses. |, | Co-founder - | Writer, blogger, web developer, traveler. 💚