Importance of eVoting in AGM Elections

eVoting Importance in AGM elections

Aditi Agarwal
3 min readJan 29, 2022


eVoting- Right2Vote
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

eVoting, popularly known as Mobile Voting or Online Voting is a computer-based election technology that helps voters to cast their votes from the comfort of their own houses. The process is fully digitalized and less hassle-free than ballot voting. eVoting not only paves the way for digitalized general elections in various state and central government elections but also makes it easier for small or large-scale industries to opt for an easier way of concluding office elections.

AGM Elections:

An annual general meeting (AGM) is a gathering of shareholders of a reputed company. AGMs are held within a period of five months from the closing of every financial year. At this meeting, the executives of the company interact with the shareholders to discuss various issues. The directors of the company present the annual reports, containing information about the performance of the company. The shareholders with their voting rights, vote to appoint the company’s board of directors and also vote on current issues. After the pandemic outbreak, AGM elections have moved online. Shareholders can cast their respective votes from their own houses.

The importance of online voting in AGM elections

  • The shareholders in recent years have started to show more interest in the company’s internal affairs. As the pandemic has changed the world in its own way, online voting in AGM elections has given the shareholders the right to vote for their respective members without any influence. Each of them can vote for their desired candidates from their own houses through the internet.
Mobile voting- Right2vote
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

• The entire process not only saves time for other important issues but also cuts down the cost of conducting elections. It helps small-scale companies to organize elections without spending a lot of money.

• As the COVID pandemic has made social distancing a concerning issue, eVoting can help voters to vote without coming down to the office with an alarming chance of getting infected. Through technology, the voting process can come to your own houses without any major problems.

• In times of paper ballots, all the shareholders were sent invitations to their respective residences. The entire process was long and quite confusing. But with online voting, everything is available on the official websites, making the process easy and hassle-free.

• Shareholders who are careful about the future direction of the companies, will always look for better and upgraded technologies for the betterment of the organizations. While online voting will definitely take things to the next level, it also will make things accessible and easier for future generations.

