In What Ways AI Can Make Our Cities More Sustainable?

What issues need to be taken into account?

Sara Arjmandnia
9 min readMay 17, 2023


Image by Jan Blanicky from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a distinct field of Computer Science that is focused on the development of intelligent agents. Such systems are designed to possess the ability to reason, learn, and act independently. The field of AI has demonstrated remarkable achievements in devising efficacious methodologies that address an extensive array of predicaments, ranging from game theory to medical diagnosis.

There exist numerous methodologies towards the realization of AI; however, a common objective permeates all efforts- the realization of machines that can emulate human-like cognitive and behavioral processes. Several commonly employed techniques pertaining to AI encompass the domains of machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

One pertinent objective of urban planning is to create sustainable cities that cater to the requirements of the current inhabitants, while simultaneously safeguarding the potential of forthcoming generations to fulfill their own needs. Sustainable urban centers are purposefully planned and developed to ensure that they achieve environmentally-benign, socially-just, and economically-sound outcomes. Efficient utilization of resources, reduction of pollutants, and promotion of a habitable environment for inhabitants are key objectives pursued by these entities.

The question here is in what ways AI can make our cities more sustainable? And what issues need to be considered?

Let’s begin with the advantages that artificial intelligence can potentially offer to urban areas.

  • Improve energy efficiency. The utilization of AI technology has the potential to effectively monitor energy consumption in buildings and infrastructure, pinpoint the locations where substantial energy savings can be achieved, and subsequently facilitate the implementation of energy-efficient practices. AI can be implemented in a variety of applications, such as the management of lighting and heating systems in buildings, or the optimization of traffic flow in order to mitigate fuel consumption.
  • Reduce waste. AI can be applied to enhance waste management systems by permitting the tracking of waste production and disposal, identifying recycling opportunities, and implementing novel waste-reduction strategies. Artificial intelligence has the potential to facilitate waste sorting at the point of origin and contribute to the discovery of novel recyclable or compostable materials.
  • Protect the environment. AI can act as a monitoring tool for environmental conditions such as air quality, water quality, and noise pollution. Additionally, it can aid in identifying and addressing environmental hazards systematically. It has the potential to serve practical functions such as tracking pollutants’ movement and developing early warning systems for natural disasters.
  • Improve transportation. AI has the potential to enhance transportation systems through optimizing traffic flow, mitigating congestion, and offering more effective public transportation services. One illustration of the potential applications of AI is its capacity to facilitate the creation of autonomous vehicles or to generate dynamic maps of traffic patterns in real-time.
  • Make cities more livable. AI can be used to enhance the quality of life within urban areas by facilitating improved accessibility to healthcare, education, and other essential services. One potential implementation of AI lies in the development of telemedicine initiatives, as well as the customization of learning plans for individuals.

Here are some specific examples of how AI is being used to make cities more sustainable:

Food for thought: how AI is reducing waste in restaurants — Winnow Solutions Ltd

Singapore is a preeminent global city in employing artificial intelligence for promoting sustainability. The urban area is currently involved in several efforts aimed at incorporating AI to enhance energy efficiency, mitigate waste, air quality and safeguard the natural environment. Singapore has effectively employed AI in regulating traffic lights and altering speed limits on a real-time basis. This innovative application can mitigate congestion and minimizing emissions. Intelligent education supported by state-of-the-art technologies, such as AI. The proposed notion entails the establishment of eight intelligent educational institutions, which would primarily concentrate on establishing diverse pedagogical environments for enhanced learning outcomes.

— The city of London is leveraging AI to enhance its sustainability initiatives. The utilization of AI is aimed at enhancing waste management processes through the monitoring and documentation of waste production and disposal processes, the detection of prospects for recycling, and the formulation of innovative tactics to reduce waste accumulation.

— The city of New York. The metropolis of New York is currently deploying AI technology to enhance the efficiency and environmental sustainability of its transportation infrastructure. The metropolis is utilizing AI to advance autonomous vehicles, thereby potentially mitigating both traffic congestion and emissions.

— The city of Barcelona has implemented cutting-edge AI technology as a means to enhance and optimize its air quality. The urban area has employed AI to effectively monitor the quality of the atmosphere and discern the origins of possible pollution. The implementation of artificial intelligence is being employed by the urban center with the intention of crafting timely alert protocols for instances of air pollution.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What obstacles and challenges can we expect?

The utilization of AI exhibits a considerable prospect in enhancing urban sustainability. Nevertheless, a multitude of impediments must be duly confronted and resolved before a comprehensive widespread integration of AI in cities can be actualized. These obstacles encompass:

  • Environmental impacts. The apprehension regarding the environmental repercussions of AI pertains to the fact that its models are being exponentially upscaled regardless of the ecological cost incurred in the process. The rationality behind this concern is that we fail to consider the available alternatives of a smaller scale model. If we fail to consider the environmental consequences of scaling machine learning models, there is a risk of causing more harm than benefit. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the mitigation of such impacts and ensure that our models generate a net positive social impact. In addition, it is imperative to acknowledge the potential environmental ramifications associated with data storage and processing in cloud computing. Failure to do so can result in the concealment of its environmental impact. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has highlighted that the carbon footprint of the cloud computing industry has surpassed that of the airline industry. The energy consumption associated with the operation of a solitary data center is estimated to be equal to that of the energy consumption of approximately fifty thousand households. The process of training a single AI model is capable of emitting in excess of 626 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, a figure that is approximately five times greater than the total lifetime emissions of an average car in the United States.
  • The availability and quality of data. AI systems necessitate substantial quantities of data for efficacious training and operation. Acquiring data can pose significant challenges in terms of cost, availability, quality, difficulty, and its reliability may not always be optimal. The aforementioned circumstances can potentially engender AI systems, which present flawed or prejudiced outcomes.
  • Bias. AI systems are susceptible to bias, potentially arising from the data utilized in training and/or the algorithms employed. This phenomenon has the potential to result in AI systems that exhibit discriminatory behavior towards specific populations or render judgments that do not cater to the optimal welfare of all individuals.
  • Privacy. Privacy is a fundamental human right that is essential for the functioning of democratic societies. As such, it has various legal, ethical, and social implications that require scholarly examination and analysis. AI systems frequently gather and utilize individualized information. The potential for privacy concerns arises, particularly in cases where an appropriate level of protection for the data has not been implemented.
  • Cost. The development and deployment of artificial intelligence systems can incur significant financial costs. This phenomenon may render them unattainable to less populated urban areas or societies.
  • Acceptance. There exists a certain degree of hesitancy amongst certain individuals regarding the adoption of AI systems, attributable to apprehensions with respect to matters of privacy, partiality, or labour displacement (there is a growing concern among individuals regarding the potential for AI systems to displace jobs due to their capacity to automate tasks currently carried out by human beings). The implementation of artificial intelligence systems on a vast or widespread scale can be rendered challenging due to this phenomenon.

Furthermore, the potential of AI should not be misconstrued as a panacea for all challenges. AI is considered to be a tool that has the potential to be utilized positively or negatively, just like any other tool. The imperative to exercise responsible and ethical practices when utilizing AI is of paramount importance, accompanied by a requisite awareness of the potential hazards it may pose. The employment of AI has the potential to intensify socio-economic disparities.

The resolution of aforementioned issues is of paramount significance as it fosters reliance in AI and spurs its judicious deployment. This objective may be achieved through the creation of AI systems that possess the qualities of transparency, accountability, impartiality, and safeguarding of privacy. The dissemination of knowledge regarding AI and its potential advantages, as well as its associated hazards, is a crucial mandate for public education. This offers a potential solution for establishing confidence in AI and promoting its conscientious utilization.

The role of policy development

Numerous instances of policy developments regarding AI have been identified in the realm of sustainability. There are some factors that must be taken into consideration, namely:

  • The act of sharing data. Governments may promote the sharing of data among commercial entities and institutional bodies as a means of enhancing the caliber and accessibility of data utilized by artificial intelligence systems. The implementation of this mechanism can play a pivotal role in guaranteeing that AI systems are predicated upon dependable and current information for decision-making purposes.
  • Regulation. Governments possess the capacity to exercise oversight over the progression and employment of AI systems in order to guarantee their application conforms to responsible and ethical practices. This measure is believed to effectively safeguard individuals against the possible detriments of AI, including but not limited to discriminatory tendencies, infringement of privacy, and job displacement.
  • Investment. Governments are equipped to allocate funds towards research and development initiatives related to AI technologies, thereby aiding in their cost-effectiveness and accessibility. The implementation of this measure could potentially guarantee equitable access to AI systems for individuals and organizations, irrespective of their geographical location or commercial scale.
  • Education. One potential strategy for the promotion of public awareness regarding AI is through the facilitation of educational initiatives by governments. These efforts have the potential to increase knowledge among the general population concerning the potential risks and benefits associated with AI. This may ameliorate the credibility of AI and foster a sense of accountability among individuals to employ it judiciously.

This discourse presents a limited number of policy strategies which can be employed to foster the ethical and responsible advancement and utilization of AI in support of sustainable development. As the advancement of AI technology continues, it is imperative to explore novel policy alternatives to guarantee the utilization of AI for the betterment of the global populace and the planet.

Outlined below are a few policies that have been put forward to encourage and facilitate the utilization of AI in promoting and achieving sustainability:

The European Union has formulated a set of ethical directives pertaining to the advancement and utilization of AI. The present set of guidelines embodies several fundamental tenets including but not limited to transparency, accountability, impartiality, and confidentiality.

— The promotion of AI application towards sustainable action has been a focus for the United States government, with various initiatives being launched to facilitate its adoption. Incorporated in these endeavors are the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative for Climate and the AI for Earth initiative.

— Singapore has developed a Smart Nation Master Plan which encompasses several strategic initiatives aimed at utilizing AI in enhancing sustainability. Various initiatives have been taken, which incorporate the utilization of AI technology to efficiently optimize traffic flow, curtail energy consumption, and enhance waste management.

Although research has been conducted regarding the employment of AI to foster sustainable urbanization, there remains a requirement to delve further into the particular hurdles and prospects. Incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the implementation of AI in cities holds notable significance. There exists a need to comprehend the reaction of society towards the transition, as well as the immediate and enduring challenges associated with it. Moreover, an essential consideration is to comprehend the efficient and cost-effective implementation of AI in countries with low economic status. Additionally, it is imperative to glean insights from the initiatives that have been implemented thus far.

Henceforth, it is premature to provide a definitive response regarding the possibility of AI’s capacity to facilitate sustainable development in urban areas.



Sara Arjmandnia

For more than 10 years, I have been working on global projects with a lot of interest in sustainable development, nature conservation and the circular economy.