Introduction And a Brief Summary of Surah Al-Baqarah

Here we’ll discuss the key points and in later articles we’ll cover it according to verses.

4 min readAug 14, 2024


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Alhamdulillah, we have completed our first surah now we are going to start the second one.

“In the name of Allah who is most beneficent and merciful.”

Surah Baqarah is the second Surah of the Quran which was revealed in Madina. It is the lengthiest surah of the Quran consisting of 286 verses and 40 chapters.

“Baqarah” means The Cow/heifer. In this surah there is a story described about cow/heifer is that’s why its name is Baqarah.

As it is the largest Surah, so most important teachings and beliefs are explained in it.

In the start it tells us that the Quran is guidance for those who are afraid of Allah.

Then it is described that after listening to the teachings of the Quran, three kinds of people will emerge.

  1. Momin (Those who will accept it wholeheartedly)
  2. Kaafir (Those who will deny it completely)
  3. Munafiq/Hypocrite (Those who show acceptance Infront of others but deny it from heart)

After that all humans are ordered to worship Allah and accept the reality of the Quran.

In the 4th chapter the birth of Hazrat Adam is discussed.

From the 5th chapter there is a discussion of a very large family named as Bani-Israel. A lot of Prophets and Rasool were born into this family. The situations and incidents of this family are described as a source of lessons for us about how they lost their worth due to their bad deeds.

From the chapter 5th to 15th there are several incidents of Bani-Israel that are discussed for example, Their oaths and measures, the manifestation of God on a mountain(کوہ طور پر جلوہ خداوندی), the incident of the Sabbath day (ہفتہ کے دن کا واقعہ)،, the incident of the cow, the circumstances of the killing of the prophets, the impure attempts of witchcraft and magic, the illegal acts of insulting the prophets, the wrong beliefs of salvation and forgiveness etc.

We will see the details of these incidents in the upcoming days one by one. In Sha Allah.

From the 16th chapter there are some more incidents of Bani-Israel and then the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Khana Kaaba and the glory of those who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Allah is described.

In the 20th chapter there are signs of Allah’s power and teachings about Halal and Haram(legitimate and illegitimate).

After that till the 26th chapter there are teachings about revenge, inheritance, Salah, prayers, Hajj, Jihad and financial sacrifices in the path of Allah, are described.

From the 27th chapter there are teachings about social and family life, Marriage, Divorce, menstruations and childbirth, second marriage, education and rights of children, Haq Mahar etc.

After a few chapters there are teachings about Jihad, Allah has said that:

Victory and defeat do not depend on war facilities and the excess of armies. Small armies often overcome large armies.

Then Ayat-Ul-Qursi comes and some incidents of Ibrahim (PBUH) , Charity, abstinence (پرہیز گاری), prohibition of usury (سود), teachings about testimony (گواہی), and trade etc.

In the last chapter there is a brief summary of Faith and Islam and then a very effective prayer.

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"Our Lord do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."

This prayer is ending upon the words: give us victory over the disbelieving people.

It shows that if we act upon the Quranic teachings then Allah will grant us victory over the disbelievers. History is evident of this fact that as long as we sticked to the teachings of Quran, we remained on the peak of success.

This summary was just an overview of topics that are discussed, otherwise it is not possible to describe the Word of Allah and his blessings into few words.

May Allah give us the strength to understand the true meanings of the Holy Quran. Ameen!

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