It’s Time To Realize That Caring Too Much Is Not A Sign Of Weakness

True freedom is endeavoring to care deeply without striving

Esther George


Girl looking at a stalk of rose on the ground
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Caring too much for others should not be a bad thing. People tell me all the time that the world could benefit from more kindness and compassion. They say kindness is one of the fastest and most gratifying ways to inspire greatness in ourselves and others because pleasant people bring much-needed light into dark places. The world doesn’t need more hatred or selfishness.

Yet these are the same people who turn around and blame me for overthinking. They label me as oversensitive and query why I allow stuff to bother me, or that I must learn to detach because we live in egocentric times.

Unfortunately, that’s me. I’m always the one who cares too much. Sure, without a doubt, I get hurt. I get let down and I’m disappointed in people when they don’t do what they say they would. I end up caring more about others than they care about me.

But since when is caring for others a bad thing? Since when did being nice get a bad reputation? It’s easy as hell to be nasty, and I see people flaunt their bloody colors like a peacock flaunts its feathers. It drives me nuts because I genuinely believe in people. Nobody’s perfect. I can’t function at my peak when I go around…



Esther George

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.