JavaScript Compiler
Javascript compiler (image by author)

JavaScript Compiler

How does the JavaScript compiler work?

6 min readJul 22, 2023


A JavaScript compiler is a program that takes JavaScript code as input and transforms it into a lower-level language that can be executed more efficiently by the computer. A lower-level language is closer to the way the computer hardware works, so it can run faster and use fewer resources.

How does the JavaScript compiler work?

You can think of a JavaScript compiler as a translator who helps you communicate with someone who speaks a different language. Imagine you are traveling to Japan and you want to order sushi at a restaurant. You only know how to speak English, but the waiter only knows how to speak Japanese. How can you tell him what you want?

You could use a translator app on your phone that can convert your English words into Japanese words. You would type or speak your order in English, and the app would show or say the equivalent in Japanese. The waiter would then understand your order and bring you your sushi.

A JavaScript compiler works in a similar way. It takes your JavaScript code, which is written in a high-level language that is easy for humans to read and write, and converts it into a lower-level language that is easy for the computer to understand and execute. The lower-level language could be machine code, which is the binary language of 0s and 1s that the computer hardware can process directly, or it could be another intermediate language that can be further compiled or interpreted by another program.

For example, one popular JavaScript compiler is Babel, which can transform modern JavaScript features into older versions of JavaScript that are compatible with older browsers. Another example is TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional types and other features. TypeScript code can be compiled into plain JavaScript code that can run on any browser.

There are many benefits of using a JavaScript compiler. One benefit is that it can improve the performance and efficiency of your code, by optimizing it for the target platform and eliminating unnecessary or redundant parts. Another benefit is that it can enhance the readability and maintainability of your code, by allowing you to use newer or custom syntax and features that make your code more expressive and clear. A third benefit is that it can increase the portability and compatibility of your code, by making it run on different browsers or environments that may not support the original version of JavaScript.

JavaScript compiler output language

A JavaScript compiler is a tool that changes your JavaScript code into another language that the computer can understand better. Different compilers may change your code into different languages, depending on what you want to do with your code and where you want to run it.

For example, some compilers may change your code into a language that only uses 0s and 1s, which the computer can read very fast. This can make your code run faster and use less resources. One compiler that does this is V8, which is used by Google Chrome and Node.js.

Other compilers may change your code into a language that can be changed again or read by another tool. This can make your code work on different browsers or devices that may not support the latest version of JavaScript. One compiler that does this is Babel, which can change your code into an older version of JavaScript that works on older browsers.

There are also compilers that change your code into JavaScript again but with different ways of writing or doing things. This can make your code easier to read and write, by letting you use new or custom ways of writing or doing things. One compiler that does this is TypeScript, which is like JavaScript but with some extra features. TypeScript code can be changed into plain JavaScript code that works on any browser.

So, to answer your question, there is not one language that all compilers change your code into. Different compilers may change your code into different languages, depending on what you want to do and where you want to run it.

JavaScript Compiler
image by author

Most used JavaScript compiler

Different developers may like different compilers, depending on what they want to do with their code and where they want to run it. But, based on some websites, here are some of the compilers that many developers use:

  • WebStorm: This is a tool that helps you write and run JavaScript code, made by JetBrains. It works with many other languages and tools, such as HTML, CSS, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue, etc. It has features that make your code better, such as finding and fixing errors, changing and improving your code, testing and debugging your code, and working with Git and other tools.
  • Babel: This is a tool that changes your JavaScript code into an older version of JavaScript that works on older browsers. It also works with other things that you can add to JavaScript, such as JSX, TypeScript, Flow, etc. It helps you write nice and clear code without worrying about browser support.
  • TypeScript: This is a thing that you can add to JavaScript that gives you more options and features. It can find and fix errors and bugs before you run your code, make your code better and easier to read, and work well with other tools and editors. TypeScript code can be changed into plain JavaScript code that works on any browser.
  • V8: This is the thing that makes JavaScript work on Google Chrome and Node.js. It changes your JavaScript code into a language that only uses 0s and 1s, which the computer can read very fast. This makes your code run faster and use fewer resources. It also works with WebAssembly, which is a thing that you can use to make web applications.

These are some of the examples of compilers that many developers use. But there are many other compilers that you can choose from, each with its own good and bad points.

Need of compiler

JavaScript is a language that we use to write code, but the computer cannot understand it directly. A compiler is a tool that makes JavaScript code into another language that the computer can understand better. This can make the code faster, work on different browsers or devices, and have more things we can do with it. There are different kinds of compilers for JavaScript, depending on what they do with the code. Some compilers make the code into a language that only uses 0s and 1s, which the computer can read very fast. This can make the code better and faster. One example of this kind of compiler is V8, which is used by Google Chrome and Node.js. Other compilers make the code into an older version of JavaScript that works on older browsers. This can make the code work on different browsers or devices that may not have the newest version of JavaScript. One example of this kind of compiler is Babel, which can make new JavaScript things into old JavaScript things that work on older browsers. There are also compilers that make the code into JavaScript again, but with more choices and things we can do with it. This can make the code easier to read and write, by letting us use new or different ways of writing or doing things. One example of this kind of compiler is TypeScript, which is like JavaScript but with some extra things. If you want to learn more about why we need a JavaScript compiler.

