Jealousy is the cause of dissatisfaction

Amitesh kumar
5 min readFeb 6, 2024

In this world, if one of our rivals or peers becomes more successful, more talented, or deserves more respect than us, then a feeling naturally arises in the mind why can’t all this happen to me? Why is this happiness, not mine? Instead of seeing what we have, a person is more eager to know what others have. Seeing the wealth, success, and fame of others, he also feels that he should also have all this, since it is not easy to achieve all this and it also takes time, hence the seed of jealousy grows inside the person.

The seed of jealousy is such that it grows every moment and every moment reminds the person that he is a little less than others, others are a little more than him. In this way, a person keeps comparing himself with others all the time, he compares everything, he is happy after knowing himself at a higher level and is sad after knowing himself at a lower level. At the root of comparison lies the seed of jealousy, which keeps growing. The more jealousy increases, the more troubled the person becomes. Whatever is around us and what we have, there is a difference, not a similarity. It is this difference that makes a person restless.

First of all, a person wishes that whatever good thing he has, should be with him only and no one else should have it, and if he gets that good thing with others, then he starts getting irritated with them in his mind. he has, why is it not there? This thought is on his mind and heart it becomes so prevalent that it destroys his life. destroys. Such a person never stops his development. Unable to concentrate on things nor achieve desired goals can reach.

Jealousy is not just a thought or emotion that grows in a person’s mind, but it is a part of his way of living. Becomes a part of the process. Due to this, a person keeps comparing himself with others all the time, and due to this, his power of thinking, understanding, imagination, and creative power gets blunted. Due to this jealousy, the person’s self-confidence gets shaken and then he keeps complaining about his life. In a way, this can also be called a distortion of human nature that one person does not like the progress of another.

Due to jealousy, a person starts feeling that everyone else is better and more advanced than him. But the moment a person accepts this thinking as the truth of life, he starts descending towards his downfall. Because his energy is spent in comparing himself with others, in grudges, in negative thinking, and in seeing only his shortcomings. He is unable to think how to overcome his low thinking and how to do something good.

A jealous person is never satisfied with his life, dissatisfaction surrounds him every moment. The desire to move ahead of others every moment does not allow him to sit peacefully. Even after achieving success, he feels that he might lag in the next attempt, in this way a jealous person is always in the race of competition, but due to his nature, he is never able to give his 100 percent and in this race, There will be no surprise if he is left behind.

America’s famous psychologist Dr. Mary Lepard has written in her book ‘Life Without Negligence’ that being jealous of someone’s success is narrow-minded thinking; Because one person can never steal the success of another or snatch it in any other way. If we want to achieve success then it requires tireless efforts and not jealousy.

It has also been seen that some parents compare their children with other children that others’ children are better than their own, but this tendency of the parents gives rise to a feeling of jealousy in the child. Due to this, the child’s self-confidence begins to waver and the child either becomes frustrated and becomes a victim of an inferiority complex or is cunning and manipulative. Although the parents do not want their child to spoil or play tricks, they do the work of sowing the seeds of selfishness in the child, they are the ones who make the beginning.

According to Mark Wall, a famous German thinker, ‘Living life without jealousy is an art, which a person should learn. One who has learned this and builds his lifestyle accordingly, his life becomes easy, simple, and full of hope. We think that the life of others is easy, they have no problems, we are the ones who suffer the most and this thought promotes jealousy that we are not able to move ahead because of our difficulties while others move ahead without any difficulty. Have been. If this had happened to us too, we too could have moved ahead.

There is an incident in this context in which a dissatisfied and jealous person used to pray to God every day to liberate him from his sufferings, in return he is ready to suffer. Finally one day in a dream God told him to pack his troubles and reach the temple. When he reached the temple with his bundle of sufferings, he saw that many people like him had come with their bundles of suffering. There, instructions were already written in the temple that everyone should keep their bundle on the side of the wall and whoever finds the bundle should pick it up. But everyone picked up their bundle only: because the bundle of others’ sufferings seemed heavier than their bundle, their sufferings were familiar, and most of them had arisen due to their own mistakes; Whereas he was completely unaware of the sufferings of others.

The journey of a jealous life is incomplete in which what is achieved is not appreciated and the lamentation about what is not achieved goes on. Therefore, it is important that instead of looking away from others, we should look towards ourselves; Because every human being is different from others in himself, he is special, no one can take his place nor can anyone fulfill him. Jealousy enters the mind only when we have a comparative vision and we do not live up to it. Therefore, if we have to compare, then we should try to find out whether we are better than before or not, only then the evil seeds of jealousy can be stopped from growing and they can be destroyed.



Amitesh kumar

I'm from Kanpur (INDIA) I'm here to share my thoughts what life is teaching me.