Lessons From An Energy Healer

My Experience With Remote Work

7 min readFeb 25, 2022


Mandala carpeted wall mount designed in purple, pink blue and white.
Meditation Carpet. Personal Wall Decor. Photo Taken by the Author.

Preamble: This story might seem far-fetched to some. It is my true account of how meditation has affected me.

A few years ago, I was invited by my coworkers to join a group meditation.

I had yearned for this.

I had been overhearing them talk about their AMAZING meditation sessions for a while, and I wanted in. To me, it sounded like a super-spiritual, magical experience. I wanted to feel the healing power of this mysterious woman they spoke of, who I knew would be leading the group.

When I arrived for the meditation, I felt reserved. Since I’m more of a yoga gal, I wasn’t sure what to expect jumping straight into meditation, but I really wanted to make a good impression on my coworkers. I wanted to become a part of their group.

I was welcomed by the teacher as we removed our shoes and filtered down the stairs to a cozy, dimly lit room. I found my place on the floor, settled in, and closed my eyes as she began guiding us to another place.

Listening to her words I imagined a vast, black, galaxy-like sky speckled with colorful shapes and patterns flowing by me. I observed with my mind’s eye, me; spiraling into space. I appeared to myself as a string of DNA, detached from my physical self.

In attending this meditation, I aspired to improve my current situation. I was struggling internally, striving to find answers to how to proceed with a complicated new path that had presented itself to me. To describe it more specifically, would be similar to a crossroads.

I was being tempted.

To choose one direction would have me build a stable, healthy life. The other would uproot my everything, life as I knew it; diving into the unknown abyss of uncertainty. Taking on excitement and new beginnings. The risk of saying goodbye and traveling the world.

Nothing was guaranteed of course, but that shiny image in my mind of something fresh pulled at me. In my contemplation I was stuck. As I listened to the words of our leader guiding me feeling into a meditative state, I swayed in and out of consciousness. Occasionally jolting back into presence, upon realizing that I was still laying there.

Alive in a physical body.

Acknowledging the feeling of the floor beneath me was startling. I was transcended. Breathing, chanting, and listening I noticed, tears were welling in my eyes.

As my teacher spoke of the sacred geometry and divine intervention, I was being propelled deeper into my own soul.

Back then, I had just begun to experience anxiety and panic attacks. I was going through some type of life crisis. I thought this meditation would help me find a solution and provide enough clarity for me to move on.

Alas, there are no easy fixes.

I have now come to accept that taking on any endeavor delivers much more than originally anticipated.

So when I began to experience more extreme and noticeable anxiety at work, the people from the healing group suggested that I reach out to schedule a one-on-one session with the meditation teacher.

I waited, and the day finally came.

By this point, I was abundantly ready for this woman to see the inside of my soul.

I wanted her to predict my future.

I remember laying on her massage table. Crying. I tried to relax. She said I was blocking her and not letting her in. I knew I was too afraid for her to actually see what I was thinking.

I left feeling as if I had just unloaded my problems onto another person.


But no closer to finding a solution.

I thought to myself that it might take a few days for the effects of her healing to kick in. A week later, still, nothing had changed.

I awoke one morning, panicked, shaking, and afraid. I felt that I was on the edge of losing my mind. I was VERY close to choosing to uproot.

My whole body shaking and vibrating. I believe now that it was my gut instinct communicating to me. This was NOT the right path for me.

I also knew that I was being influenced. Someone I had been in contact with was subconsciously compelling me to make “the bad choice”. They were tapping into my energy with a strong spiritual force.

I believed it.

Someone was meditating on me with a powerful intention to persuade.

(If you are reading this story, I hope you can wrap your mind around this concept).

I was not doing anything to protect myself at the time and I was in a vulnerable state.

Just enough of me had my guard down. I was being taken advantage of emotionally and energetically. I did not know what to do, so I sent a message back to the meditation teacher.

Although she could not see me on that day, she was going to be able to help me through what she called distance work (“remote work” as it is often referred to). I had never heard of that before. I was learning so much. She told me to just relax and carry on with my day. She was going to read me from her home.

From my current understanding, there is no time or space in the spiritual realm. She and other energy healers are able to work on people from far away places, even across the world sometimes, because spirits do not operate on the same physical plain as humans. I have heard it is exhausting work, and it is all done psychically.

So that day, I was at my place of work. I started to feel very dizzy, to the point that I did not even want to drive home.

Disclaimer: The dizziness was not a symptom of her reading, but from the anxiety and panic attack that I was feeling.

Since I was working in a healing center, I popped into a private room and laid down on one of the beds.

When I woke up, I had a message from my teacher. I cannot remember her exact words but one thing in particular absolutely terrified me! It read something like this:

“I was able to clear 6 demons from your energy field.”

If a 24- hour panic attack wasn’t enough, certainly hearing that I had had demons attached to me was going to put me over the edge.

I always imagined that if there was a demon (or six) attached to me that surely I would know! Some possession-like occurrences would certainly not go unnoticed. But here I was, going about my daily life (struggling) but no head-spinning, walking up the walls or vomiting blood.

Unsure of how those demons may have attached themselves to me in the first place, I was grateful to hear that they were gone.

Now that I have had years to reflect on this event, I do believe there were several factors that contributed to my weakened state. Addiction, drug and alcohol use, being spiritually vulnerable, and using a ouija board in the past, could explain why I was a target for these negative energies.*

I have one last anecdote in this story that proves the unmistakable truth to psychic reading and energy work.

Here goes:

The teacher, who is a healer, cleanses the owner of my workplace (my boss) on a regular basis. In other words, the teacher performed private energy readings and healing sessions on my boss.

As the store owner, my boss intimidated me. She would make changes to my work, get in my space and watch over me. I was nervous to make mistakes in front of her.

So after a while of this, I am not proud to admit, I began to talk about her behind her back with the other staff.

One morning, I was approached by someone else who had been attending the group meditation.

“The teacher asked me to deliver a message to you. I don’t know what the context is but it’s about the boss.” She said.

“She told me, to tell you, to stop talking badly about the boss behind her back.”

I was shocked!

I went numb.

“Okay,” I said.

I knew in my gut that this was real.

There was no way that this message would have been fabricated.

I can only guess that my negativity towards the boss was showing up in her energy field.

I never asked about it.

I never talked badly about my boss again either.

I took this message seriously for the greater good of myself and others around me.

Since that time, I have quit working for that establishment. By the end of my time there, a doctor had prescribed me a nine-day stress leave. I was never the same since.

Thank you for reading my story. I do hope this gets to everyone in a way that makes sense. The main takeaway is that spiritual energy work is real and meditation is a very powerful practice.

*See my next story where I describe how I learned to keep myself safe from negative energy attacks. The story speaks on healing, protecting yourself and useful mantras that build an energetic barrier against negativity.




Newbie blogger, long time writer — personal, comical, questionable and informative.