Lessons from Elon Musk’s Laser-Like Focus

Lukman Aufbau
3 min readJul 27, 2024


It is as Elon Musk said a few months ago:

Photo by nader saremi on Unsplash

“I am an Allen but many people don’t believe me" The one trait that differentiated [Elon from Allen] was the focus.

Allen’s mind would fit between many ideas and passions, but Elon was a serial obsessor.” It’s here, in this story of Elon's obsessive focus, that we encounter the strongest form of my argument for SATORI.

This is also a lesson, as it turns out, that I’ve personally relearned again and again in my career.

I’ve been an intense admirer for more than a decade, but even now I am still regularly surprised by its power. "When I was in graduate school, the period when I first encountered and started prioritizing this skill," I found SATORI allowed me to write a pair of quality peer-reviewed contests while rarely having to work past five on weekdays or work at all on weekends (a rarity among my peers).

As I neared my transition to writing my debut book, however, I began to worry.

As a student and a teenager time commitments were minimal—leaving me most of my day to shape as I desired.

I knew I would lose this luxury in the next phase of my career, and I wasn’t confident in my ability to integrate enough SATORI into this more demanding schedule to maintain my productivity.



Lukman Aufbau

Investment & Consultancy Representative, Online Publishing and Platform COO | Author | CEO