Lessons Learned from Social Media!

Sreevidya. A
4 min readNov 13, 2023
Lessons Learned from Social Media after exploring it for 3 years.
Image designed by the author using Canva

My mornings lately:

Lately, life's all about waiting for the dream to come true. Learning, understanding, implementing, and waiting for results. Does waiting for results give us hope? Or will it leave in confusion? - A question that came out of overthinking.

One day, it feels like learning and gaining knowledge is important rather than sharing the knowledge. The other day, I felt completely down with zero motivation to do anything.

Where does my discipline go? Why am I overthinking? Am I afraid that the world is running and am just sitting back? It has two answers. I don’t want to accept the fact that I’m afraid of this fast-running world. But I learned it’s common to feel that way. All I need is peace from whatever I do and satisfaction without overthinking whether it’s the right one or the wrong one to do.

How is it possible? After much overthinking, I realized that with self-love and self-belief, we can achieve peace. I love myself the most and I don’t believe myself the way I love myself. It’s a constant run between 'it’s not enough' and I want to do more.' I wonder, why the feeling got stuck in my head though I say to myself that 'this is enough and you are good.'

Maybe it is because of too much social media browsing and not consuming the content I need. It made me vulnerable about my talent. It is taking away my confidence. I don’t want to be like this. It’s always the reverse of what I dreamt. I want to be confident to speak, explore, and win.

I want my college self back in my life 💗

Contemplating my thoughts, I went deep into them. Not denying the fact that I’m overthinking, but thinking for my peace. For my inner peace, I know it is a forever run and I want to be patient. The field I chose to work in has transformed in a way that ‘running and being in the social jungle is important.’

It’s been years since I’ve started exploring all the social media platforms and writing content. I learned many lessons. I constantly read many writers’ content. Reading some amazing relatable stories gave me the boost I needed the most.

13 facts I wish I had known earlier about Social Media:

  • There is a fear of writing content. For beginners, it will be at the top, and it is okay.
  • There is a constant fear of not posting, not following the trend, not being consistent, and not being trendy on social media.
  • To be present on many platforms is an inevitable state of mind. It’s a large pool, where everyone tries to do crazy stuff and be on trend.
  • After a while, there will be a dilemma in engagement, and you get different ideas for your Instagram or Twitter page, and you even plan for entirely different genre content to post on the platform.
  • Social Media is all about ‘following trends,’ as it has transformed like that. Creators need time to create something unique related to that trend, but unfortunately, social media won’t give you that time. You should act impulsive.
  • You will automatically compare yourself with other creators or your favorites on social media and feel sad that you weren’t like them. It’s a kind of anxiety that develops with too much content consumption.
  • You will learn to read more, listen more, and appreciate more.
  • There is always someone who creates the idea you had thought a few days ago in a much better way, and you feel bad for it. Don’t worry you will eventually learn.
  • Storytelling always wins. In social media, there is a selection between grammar and fluent language. But try to tell a story always.
  • Likes, comments, and shares often take your profile to entirely new people. The algorithm decides it all. You can create a whole new friend circle with those who are amazing people, and who knows you may get your next job through it.
  • A post you wrote without a thought will hit 1000s of likes and shares but the one you did with so much thought and heart will get a few likes from you, your best friend, and your sister. Let it be. Pin that ‘3 likes post’ and let people know. Constantly you will learn that following the trend is a ‘feeling you develop in yourself.’ There is no need to follow it.
  • Lastly, you can create your niche and present it in a story form every time you post. People like the continuity in reading. Your feed is what you made, choose wisely and read content that’s helpful and insightful. Inspiration can come from anywhere. So, read, read, and read. Learn and implement. Do not anxiously wait for results. They are on the way.

It is more about learning and then creating:

Everyone loves to create content on social media, which is an unavoidable feeling. There is nothing but a headache in fear of not creating a post related to that trend. Your posts can be planned and unplanned. Both go only according to the algorithm. Appreciate yourself when you create something with all your heart. Don’t get pissed off that someone had a bio exactly like yours. People get similar ideas and it is no wonder. Don’t get pissed off that someone’s post got viral with the idea you got last night. There is a lot of time. Everyone is here to see something interesting. Be the one who creates that.

Happy reading :)

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Sreevidya. A

Pens about millennial experiences in career and life, Gen Z world, self-improvement, social media, and content creation!