Letter from a Rantologist — The Tale Of Wobbly, the Ball

Life Teachings from a Non-Living Friend

3 min readApr 17, 2024


Hello! Namaste! Vanakkam!

Dear Readers,

I want to share a special story with you today.

Once upon a time, in a small city on Earth, there lived a beautiful violet ball named Wobbly. A boy named Raju played with him every day. Wobbly was having a great time until, one day, he was thrown into a dark valley. Raju was too scared to get Wobbly out and decided to buy a new ball instead.

In the valley, Wobbly was scared and alone. With their masters, other balls would come by, make fun of him, and leave. They thought Wobbly was useless and too heavy for the Earth to carry, better off left alone.

Picture drawn by Author

Wobbly began seeing himself as less than others. He blamed his fate for his situation. He stuck to his own little corner, never trying to explore what or do better because he was too scared to move forward. He often wondered what could go wrong if he tried.

He just didn’t know what lay ahead. He lived at the lowest point of his life, never daring to look beyond his perspective. One fine day, Wobbly got tired of his life. He asked himself why he was living if he was just stuck in one place, scared of moving forward. He realized he had built walls around himself that kept him down. He chose to challenge his life.

Now, Wobbly was fed up of his boring life and constant fear. Much more, he was determined to move forward, no matter what. He pushed himself upstream to go beyond his limits, aiming for freedom and a better future with a do-or-die attitude. And guess what, he was only a step away from the best point of his life. He was finally out of the valley under the day light shining upon his head. All this time in the dark, little did he knew about his wonderful destiny which needed only a little of his effort! Finally, he had set himself free! Wobbly was happy to be free from Raju and, most importantly, his own fears. Seeing Wobbly’s efforts and transformation, the other balls learned a lesson and started respecting him. They saw him as an inspiration.

Picture drawn by Author

My dear readers, there may be times when we could be Wobbly, finding ourselves rooted in fear and uncertainty during difficult moments, too afraid of the darkness we are living in yet too frightened to step ahead.

It’s crucial, however, to introspect: Are we constructing a barrier that’s hindering our own progress? Are we truly living to our innate capabilities? Are we leading lives that are as fulfilling as they could be? Just like Wobbly, we, too, can break free and find joy and purpose. Do you have the attitude of Wobbly, the ball, to keep chasing your passions and growing?

Look at the big picture and thou shall learn to live:)

With love,


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I'm a passionate writer on a journey of self-discovery, constantly exploring the intricacies of society, life, and personal growth.