Letter to the universe

Neha Tyagi
3 min readMay 26, 2024
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Dear Universe,

I feel deeply dissatisfied with the limited progress in my career and financial situation. Looking back, I regret not having the guidance and focus needed during the first five years of my career, which I believe has led to a significant loss of valuable time.

It’s disheartening that despite my dedicated efforts, office politics have consistently stood in the way of my advancement. Instead of being recognized for hard work, I’ve often felt sidelined and overlooked. The biased nature of the system is frustrating, as it appears that success is heavily dependent on having influential connections rather than merit.

The prevalence of unethical behavior and lack of integrity only adds to the disillusionment. I find myself dwelling on instances where I’ve been wronged or overlooked, feeling betrayed by those who pretended to be allies but ultimately hindered my growth. This toxic environment, coupled with the demotivating bias against women, has left me feeling exhausted and disheartened.

I humbly seek the support of the universe. Please grant me the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles that come my way. I ask for your blessings and good fortune to pave the path for me. Guide me to recognize and seize the opportunities that come my way, and provide me with the wisdom to make the most of them.

Protect me from any ill will or harmful intentions, shielding me from the influence of politics and propaganda. I aspire to achieve my dreams and ambitions and to flourish and thrive in life. I seek your blessings for abundance, good health, and prosperity for myself and my loved ones. Please be my guiding light, leading me every step of the way as I strive to realize my aspirations.

As I open myself up to the world around me, I am ready to welcome the blessings that the universe has in store for me. The universe is working in harmony to provide me with the support and guidance I need to achieve success.

I express my gratitude to the universe for enabling my financial and professional growth, and allowing me to reach my full potential. Furthermore, I am filled with appreciation for the universe’s blessings of happiness, health, success, and prosperity for my beloved family, my children, and my husband.

I am happy, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I have power, I have reached my full potential. The universe and I are aligned. The whole universe is helping me to become successful. Every good thing always happens to me.

Photo by Maja Il on Unsplash

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Neha Tyagi

Hello There! Thanks for browsing by! I started writing a few months back on variety of topics. The common thread is that each article is my honest reflection.