✅Letters From Heaven: Playful Eagles and Compassionate Angels, A Survivor’s Tale


✅Life Stories: The Miracles of Compassion, Tales from MD Anderson Cancer Center

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Cousin John was the happiest man I ever knew, for he so loved his kids and mine too. He was not normal, for once he was driving us through a canyon during a vacation. Excited, he shouted, “Look, do you see the eagle, there? Wow!” I looked and far below was a proud bald eagle resting on a ledge. How did Jay see that while driving? From that moment on, I called him, Eagle John. Angelically, he would play with the kids for hours when we visited.

Curiously, I asked John why he was so playful. Wisely, he replied, “Our time here is short, for my father died young.” I looked into his eagle eyes. He confessed, “I think I will too.” We laughed as he continued to play with the kids. However one day, I received a phone call from my son, who told me that Uncle John had suddenly died. Hearing my son crying, I started to become very tearful. Rest in peace!

While dying of cancer some ten years later, at MD Anderson Cancer Center, I would remember Eagle John, and what he said about life being short. I started to post my battles to survive the Intruder on Facebook because I wanted people to know what cancer is about. Every day about twice a day, letters and gifts came to me in the hospital.

Even people I didn’t know sent me letters: from Boston, Gabriel warmly tell me to smile; from Arizona, Darlene tells me to be hopeful; from Taiwan, Nash tells to me to stay positive; and from Japan, Tomo wrote he was chanting for me. These letters saved my soul and made me smile like Eagle John did. Indeed, I was blessed by such gifts from angels. I felt lucky to be alive for another day.

✅Thank you: Blessings from the Wings of Angels

Surviving twice, I asked, why did people send me letters, gifts, and cards when they could easily message me? Perhaps, they knew that letters from heaven manifested healing energies from the psychological pressures, the paramount pains, and the physical hell of cancer prison. Remember our time here is short. Love each other more! Play more! Laugh more! Love more!

Rest in peace dearest Saint John, my angel eagle of playful flowing love. Please pray for Saint Nash in Taiwan as he battles against the Intruder, Cancer. Pray for all the world warriors, as we all face our own battle to survive. We are each other, angels in waiting, waiting for our wings to grow, waiting for love, waiting for the doors of heaven to open. Saint John will greet you, playing with kids who grew their wings too young in life. We are each other, stop fighting each other. Love each other.

We are made of the flowing fires from the flames of forgiveness, the flames of gratitude, and the flames of compassion. Flow with the lava of love, from the heart of mercy, and the spirits of eternal life. Find, fly, and flow into the divine super nova of passionately, long embraces of each other. We are each other. Love each other! Respect! Respect! Respect!

Kiss more. Hug more to be more!

Read my message from MD Anderson about the power of love. Subscribe to my channel.



🚀 🚀 Manifestations of LOVE ✅🍿

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅