LinkedIn’s Upcoming Big Update: Schedule Post For Later (Know How This Feature Will Work)

LinkedIn is rolling-out a new feature that lets people schedule posts to be sent at a later time.

Shubham Gwalia
3 min readNov 29, 2022


Microsoft-owned LinkedIn is implementing a new feature allowing users to schedule postings. Users can now compose a post and schedule it to be published later. Including the date, they would like the post to go live on Microsoft’s social media and networking platform.

source: freepik

This feature has been in the creations for a long time, and now it’s finally ready. Before rolling out the feature, LinkedIn did surveys to determine if there was a need for it in different countries. This function is presently rolling out exclusively on Android and the web only.

It’s Excellent News for Marketers, Influencers, Thought-leaders, and more.

While thousands of marketers, influencers, and “thought leaders” around the globe will undoubtedly be thrilled about this new function. It is important to remember that third-party services like Hootsuite and Buffer have offered functionalities that are comparable to these for quite some time now.

source: Redgreystock —

However, due to concerns over the privacy of their personal information, some people are reluctant to grant third-party sites access to their LinkedIn accounts. Additionally, native functionality is almost always more user-friendly.

Incredibly particular for users who wish to share a specific piece of content with those who follow them on LinkedIn.

Because more than 875 million people are current users of LinkedIn. Its expansion is occurring on a global scale at a rate about 2x as fast as that of the United States.

More than 150 million people now subscribe to newsletters on LinkedIn, an increase of 4x times year-over-year.

Viva and LinkedIn Learning connections let firms invest in their current staff by providing access to courses in the workflow. Over the past year, members added 365 million skills to their profiles, a 43% increase from the previous year. (according to LinkedIn Executives).

How Does this Feature Work?

When the user selects the clock icon, they can select a particular date and a half-hourly time slot. Users can choose any time they wish to pre-schedule their posts. Because this function requires an update from either the Play Store or the Apple Store, it may still need to be visible to the general public.

source: techcrunch

How Do You Check Whether the Schedule Post Feature is Available to You?

  1. To check if you have access to this function, launch the LinkedIn app on your Android device.
  2. Make sure that you have the most recent version of it installed.
  3. First, create a new post. You’ll need to select the + sign (post) at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Selecting the compose message box will show the keyboard.
  5. If there is a clock symbol next to the word “Post,” you have access to that feature.
  6. A similar clock will appear next to the “Post” button on the web.
source: techcrunch

In August, web developer and app researcher Nima Owji posted a screenshot on Twitter that suggested LinkedIn has been working on this feature for some time.

The fact that it enables a great deal of leeway in predetermining the posting and liberates you from being concerned about it after that makes me extremely happy.



Shubham Gwalia

An independent mind trying to become a great writer. I am an enthusiastic writer and love to write about Marketing, and SaaS.