Love’s Nature: A Dialogue

S M Hasnain
1 min readMar 27, 2024
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

She said, “Love is a flower,

Fresh and lovely for a while,

And in a while, no more.”

I said, “When a flower wilts,

It gives birth to many more.”

She said, “Love is a fire,

Burns a lover and then dies.”

I said, “When a flower is lighted,

It lights up and warms the world.”

She said, “Love is a dream,

When we wake up, it all seems

Like the pain’s intensified.”

I said, “Life is but a dream,

When one wakes up, love is there

To entrap you in its wiles.”

She said, “Love is a scourge,

One gets blinded, sees no more.”

I said, “Eyes aware of God,

To the world, are without sight.”

She said, “Love is hot as hell,

Lovers burn within it, cry.”

I said, “Hell is ever welcome,

For it cleanses one of sin.”

She said, Love is like the darkness,

Which benights us and destroys.”

I said, “Darkness is a boon,

For it hides the dirty world.”

She said, “Oh dear beloved!

Would to God, your mind were mine.”

I said, “Innocent darling!

Let me sacrifice it all for you!”



S M Hasnain

Passionate writer exploring politics, religion, poetry, society, art, literature, and culture intricacies.