Master Machine Learning Pipeline Development | MlOps Project-1 | GitHub Repository Setup| Part-2

Series of articles with complete explanation, that can help you master machine learning pipeline development along with deployment of the project.

Krishan Walia


Welcome Back to the series of mastering MlOps !!!

This is the second article in the series to master machine learning pipeline development with deployment.

In this article, we are going to set up a GitHub repository for our project, to maintain the codebase and contribute to the open source and thereby build one’s portfolio.

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

This GitHub repository would be helpful in the creation of a continuous integration and deployment (CI-CD) pipeline after deployment. This way, one won’t need to redeploy the machine learning pipeline all the time, and GitHub actions would take care of that on its own.

This article is going to be a short one which would include the creation of a GitHub repository for the project and cloning the project into our local machines for working on it in the future.

The TOC for this article is,-
· Previously Published Articles In Series
· Creation of GitHub Repository
· Cloning the Repository to the local machine
· Conclusion
· Today’s Quote
· More from Author
· About The Author

Previously Published Articles

If you are coming across this article in the series, I would recommend you kindly go through the previous articles to understand the topic better, the list of the previously published articles is as follows,-

Creation of GitHub Repository

The creation of a GitHub Repository is the most essential step for our project, as the whole codebase would be stored in that repository.

NOTE: It is highly important to have a GitHub account.

Click here to log in to your GitHub Account and create a repository.

Image By Author

Name the project “Titanic Pipeline Project” as it is, because it would be difficult to cater to the doubts and errors in the future if you went by your discretion.

Go through the points in sequence, completing each step carefully.

  • Mark the project as public.
  • Click on Add .gitignore
Image By Author
  • Search and select Python, this would create a .gitignore file for your project and would exclude all the conventionally named files from the project structure.
Image By Author
  • After selecting Python, your .gitignore template should look like the image below,
Image By Author

Cloning the Repository to the local machine

After creating the GitHub repository, one has to clone that repo into their local machines to work on it. To do so go to that repository and click on the Code button.

  • Select HTTPS and then copy the URL given.
Image By Author
  • Go to the location where you wish to work on the project and then open the terminal there in that directory and then run,
git clone <URL>
  • Replace the <URL> with the URL you copied from the GitHub website.
  • This would clone the project in your local machine so that you would be able to work on it in your favorite IDE.

NOTE: Reply with DONE to this article if you are following the series.


Yup! That’s it for this time and I hope you have done this step with utmost care and consciousness because this could be really hectic in the future to determine the error if the naming of the repo has a typo.
Rest, I would request you to kindly reply “DONE” to this article if you have completed this step and are in anticipation of the other awesome stuff to come your way. By that, I would know how much of you are following to this series and have been working to master MlOps.

All I request you is to follow me💻 and subscribe🎯 to my newsletter to not miss the important articles published in this series.

Today’s Quote

Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.
By — Madam C.J Walker

About The Author

Hi 👋, myself Krishan Walia🤠, a full stack developer👨‍💻 with a deep interest in quantum computing🖥️, machine learning💻and cyber security🎩 (I know they are quite diverse fields😅). I write✍️ because of the affection😍 to sharing knowledge and experiences😇 with people and also learning from them, cause that’s actually how (according to me) we all as a community can grow📈.

I usually write📝 about software development and about the big advancement made in the field of tech ⚙️so that we all are aware of how we can utilize the best resources📚 available out there to our maximum advantage.
If you liked👍 my content, kindly consider following me👏and to get the articles I publish, at the earliest and straight into your inbox📨 you can definitely subscribe to my email list📝 from the below link, I’d really appreciate that

Thank you!!!



Krishan Walia

ML Expert | Entrepreneur | Full Stack Developer | Curious | Quick Learner | Meditator | Nature Lover | Researcher | Working on a Patent