Writing Tips

Mastering Medium: How to Earn Double-Digit Dollars Daily with Your Writing

Unlock the secrets to finding your niche, crafting compelling titles, and creating content that pays on Medium

Tyler Lubben BBA
4 min readApr 18, 2024


Photo by Judeus Samson on Unsplash

Picture this: I’m sipping my morning coffee, eyes half-closed, dodging the beams of sunlight peeking through my blinds, making my home brighter than I want. Then, it hits me — my daily ritual of checking my Medium earnings. Lo and behold, there’s a crisp, digital $10+ increase waiting for me to take notice, waking me up from groggy my state.

Medium isn’t just a writer’s playground; it’s also an opportunity for those willing to dig deep and unearth its potential. Over time, I’ve carved out a little niche for myself, and the process of spinning words into double-digit dollars has become almost second nature. So, grab your favorite drink, and let me guide you through my journey of conquering the Medium platform.

Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

Finding Your Niche

The key to success on Medium is finding your niche — a specific topic or genre that resonates with you and your audience. It could be anything from personal development and self-help to finance and technology. The possibilities are endless, but the key is to find a niche that you’re passionate about and have some expertise in.

Take some time to explore different topics and see what sparks your interest. Don’t be afraid to try something new or unexpected — you never know where it might lead.

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Crafting Attention-Grabbing Titles

The next step in raking in the dough on Medium is crafting attention-grabbing titles. Let’s face it — in a sea of articles, your title is what will make readers stop and click on your article. And not just any click — a click that will earn you money.

Creating catchy titles can be challenging, but here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Use numbers: People love lists and statistics, so incorporating numbers into your title can make it more appealing.
  • Ask a question: Posing a thought-provoking question in your title can entice readers to click and find the answer within your article.
  • Use power words: Certain words evoke emotion and grab attention, such as “surprising,” “amazing,” or “ultimate.”

Remember, your title should accurately reflect your article’s content, but also be attention-grabbing enough to entice readers to click.

Photo by Mandy Zhang on Unsplash

Crafting Engaging and Valuable Content

Once you’ve grabbed the reader’s attention with your title, it’s time to deliver valuable and engaging content.

Here are some tips for crafting engaging and valuable content on Medium:

  • Use subheadings: Breaking up your article with subheadings makes it easier to read and digest, especially for online readers accustomed to skimming.
  • Incorporate visuals: People are visual creatures, so including images, videos, or infographics can make your content more appealing.
  • Add personal anecdotes: Sharing personal experiences and stories can make your writing more relatable and engaging for readers.

Remember to always provide value and share your unique perspective on the topic. Don’t be afraid to get personal — vulnerability is a powerful tool in connecting with readers.

Photo by Alimarel on Unsplash

Engaging with Your Audience and Building a Following

One of the best things about Medium is its engaged community of readers and writers. So, take advantage of it by engaging with your audience and building a following.

Here are some ways to engage with your audience on Medium:

  • Respond to comments: When readers leave comments on your articles, take the time to respond and continue the conversation.
  • Participate in publications: Publications are collections of articles curated by editors, making them an excellent way to reach a broader audience. Find publications related to your niche and submit your articles for consideration.
  • Collaborate with other writers: Reach out to other writers in your niche and collaborate on projects, such as co-writing articles or hosting Q&A sessions.

Building a following on Medium takes time and effort, but the connections you make can be invaluable for your writing career.

Spinning words into dollars on Medium takes time, effort, and a little bit of strategy. But with passion, dedication, and an understanding of the platform’s nuances, you can turn your writing into a profitable venture on Medium.

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Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.