Medium Article Writing SEO

Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure!

Keyword Placement With Medium Article Writing Is Strategic Art!

Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)
10 min readNov 6, 2023


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Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure With Strategic Keyword Placement
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium article.

Medium article writing layout and structure introduction.

Suggested Medium article layout for search engines.

Best article structure with Medium writing for exposure.

Conclusion of Medium article writing layout and structure.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Medium article writing layout and structure introduction.

With any writing project, be it for Medium or otherwise, your article layout and structure are paramount. Especially when it comes to Medium article writing and search engine optimization (SEO) with faster indexing. Creating a solid, planned Medium article writing layout and structure is also much more “professional”.

The difference between Medium article writing structure and layout is that the layout has more to do with content sequence. Where the article structure has more to do with the actual content. With Medium your article layout starts with the H2 “Medium Kicker” Header. Not the H1 Header or article title, contrary to popular belief.

We will get to “all of that” during the course of this informed demonstration. There is quite a bit you need to know about SEO-optimized Medium article writing. But you need to know how the Medium article structure and layout work.

There is a certain sequence (layout) of your Medium article we strongly suggest. Why? Because we have been using it with surprising results. Boosting visibility on both Medium and in search engines, showing up in search result pages for the target search phrases (H1 Headers). If we can get indexed in search engines, then so can you.

You then have the article structure (content placement) with Medium writing, this includes things like strategic keyword placement. Paragraph and sentence length for readability, you need image captions for image indexing. Links to other Medium articles, and disclosures where required. Along with many other focus areas.

Writing is an art form, where your article layout is the “canvas”, and your article structure is your paint. Learn to take your time because writing (painting) a masterpiece requires nothing less than maximum effort. What “goes on the canvas” is entirely up to you and your level of knowledge (problem-solving capability) about a particular topic.

Suggested Medium article layout for search engines.

As we have just mentioned, and contrary to popular belief your Medium article starts with the H2 “Kicker” header. Not the H1 header, making it a little different from your usual blogging SEO. With blogging the H1 header or title comes first. But remember that we are focusing on Medium article writing and SEO. A well-optimized layout is listed below.

Medium Kicker H2 Header.

Title Or H1 Header.

Second H2 Medium Header.

Medium Friend Link.

Article Featured Image.

Table Of Contents (H2 Headers)

First Article Body H2 Header.

Headers Paragraphs And Sentences.

Affiliate Quote Block Offer.

Affiliate And/or AI Disclosure.

Link To Your Medium About Page.

Incentives Or Gifts.

Selected Medium Article.

If you wish, you can simply take a look at how our Medium articles are laid out. But also pay attention to keyword density and search phrase placement, you should be able to get a pretty good idea. After the second H2 header, as listed above. You simply include the next Subheader and the next until you reach the article footer area.

Just to give you a better idea, find illustrated below what your Medium article “Primary Header Section” should look like. Please don’t copy and use the text from this demonstrational example. This you will find from inside your Medium article editor. Just follow the sequence as suggested and yours will look the “same” in basics.

Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure With Strategic Keyword Placement And Header Layout
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The Medium “kicker” H2 header should be as short and descriptive as possible, using your primary target keywords or search phrases that are highly recommended. Followed by the article title or H1 header, after which you want to include the Medium “friend link”. Next up will be your Medium article featured image.

But how do you know that this even works, right? Well, as illustrated below. You will start seeing traffic from major search engines in Medium analytics. And in truth, it is basically just about how well you place your article content, and how well you describe it to search engines. Done with Medium article writing structure and layout.

Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure With Strategic Keyword Placement Proof Of Search Engine Traffic
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The reason you want to focus on maintaining curiosity is because you want your reader to read the entire article. Because the footer area is where you include your affiliate product (preferably a bridge page) with Medium. But do Read The Medium Rules when it comes to affiliate marketing, please. Read and understand what is allowed, what is not, and what is required.

Among said rules and requirements is the inclusion of disclosures for both affiliate offers and content created with AI. After that, you might want to include the link to your “professionally completed” Medium “About” page. Introduce yourself to your readers and get recognised. You may also choose to offer incentives, as we do.

But with incentives there are also rules, familiarize yourself with them by contacting Medium support. Be 100% sure that your “incentive idea” is acceptable. In our case, we offer an incentive for new Medium subscribers for instance. Medium support advised us that it is acceptable.

It is acceptable providing we clearly state that Medium does not endorse nor are affiliated with the incentive idea. This is precisely what we do right after the last H2 header for the purpose of the “incentive idea”. Lastly, you can choose a specific medium article URL. We shared a Medium article, connecting our readers with our Medium publications.

With the “Table Of Contents”, try using all your H2 or subheaders as bullet points. This can only be done from the Medium app, not via desktop. That is why you will see we mostly use a “quote block” to create a table of contents. This adds to readability and makes your content easier to understand by both readers and search engines.

Best article structure with Medium writing for exposure.

Keyword research needs to be done, so you know which target keywords and search phrases you want to target. Strategic keyword and search phrase placement determine how fast your article gets indexed and how well it will rank. There is no real metric when it comes to keyword density, but just be moderate and descriptive.

Include H2 subheaders to “split up your content” in smaller “bite-size” sections. While including your target keywords and search phrases within no more than 75% of your combined H2 header text volume. Do not forget to include all image alt attributes, captions, and provenance (where the image originates from).

Strategic Keyword Placement.

Include Sub Headers.

Image Alt Attributes.

Image Captions And Provenance.

Title And Metadata.

Avoid English Stop Words With H1 headers.

Paragraph And Sentence Length.

Using Transition Words.

Using Bullet Points And Numbered Lists.

Not Too Much First-Person Writing.

Links To Other Medium Articles.

Footer Disclosures Where Required.

Your Medium article title and Metadata are also important, but when you are not SEO savvy, then just leave it as default. Medium’s default selection will do just fine. Just be sure to focus on your first 2 to 4 lines of text. With “first-person writing”, this means overly using pronouns such as “I”, “we”, “us”, and “me” for example.

With your article title or H1 header, you want to avoid English stop words, and there is a rather extensive list. This is a proper list of all the English Stop Words. For example, “The”, is an English stop word, therefore not a good choice to start an H1 header with. It will influence your SEO ranking and indexing capability.

Paragraph and sentence length also form part of your article structure, where your H1 header (Title) must not exceed 60 characters. This is often quite challenging. Paragraphs must not exceed 250 to 300 words with a maximum of 2 to 4 sentences per paragraph. While sentences must not exceed 20 words.

You also want to use what we call “Transition Words”; these are words that lead one sentence into another. That way you keep your reader reading. Among a long list of transition words, you will find words like; Therefore, Because, Furthermore, Again, Besides, and Finally. Here is a List Of Transition Words along with a better understanding thereof.

Last, but not least, you also want to include links to your other Medium articles. Links to other sites where necessary, like we’ve done with the “English Stop Words”, and list of “Transition Words” for example. Within the first few paragraphs (2 to 6 paragraphs) you will also find links to our blog and website.

Conclusion of Medium article writing layout and structure.

Medium article writing layout and structure is all about sequence, density, and quality of the content. Along with strategic keyword placement, headers, content length and keyword density. But you should know how that works by now. Remember that the “bolding of text” (keywords and search phrases) helps with better understanding.

The layout of your Medium article with writing is of a sequential nature because the suggested sequence has proven to attract search engine interest. It is also clearly demonstrated in the above Medium analytic screenshot. Below the image is the suggested Medium article layout sequence, in the form of a 12-section layout.

When your Medium article gets written with this “template” in mind, it makes it easier for search engines to decide on a “Rich SEO Snippet”. Your SEO snippet and image displayed in search results are based on how well they describe the H1 and second H2 header with Medium article writing. Below is an example of one of our ranking Medium articles.

Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure With Strategic Keyword Placement With Rich SEO Snippets
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Notice how search engines chose a snippet “heading” describing the H1 header best. Then, the selected text for the SEO snippet is the 4 ways mentioned to grow on Medium. That is how “Rich Snippets” work with SEO, therefore, you can rest assured our strategy is obviously sound. From 301 Million results, this Medium article is on page 1, position 1!

Medium Kicker H2 Header.

Title Or H1 Header.

Second H2 Medium Header.

Medium Friend Link.

Article Featured Image.

First Article Body H2 Header.

Headers Paragraphs And Sentences.

Affiliate Quote Block Offer.

Affiliate Or AI Disclosure.

Link To Your Medium About Page.

Incentives Or Gifts.

Selected Medium Article.

Try including your target keywords and search phrases at least once with every paragraph. Using the exact search phrase (H1 Header Title) moderately also boosts readability and maintains interest. Subconsciously reminding your visitor what “everything” is about, therefore, a much better chance they will read the entire article.

You might want to pay attention to the bolded text in this Medium article. It will give you a good idea about strategic keyword placement and search phrase density. Medium article writing layout and structure are of alarming importance if you’re going to attract search engine interest and get SEO traffic.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Do you agree with our perception of the ideal Medium article layout? Do you struggle with driving traffic, generating sales, creating content, or writing? Did you know about these article structural strategies?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Medium Article Writing Layout And Structure!” story on Medium is concluded. And now you know how to use layout and structure to get your Medium articles indexed in all major search engines.

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Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.