Midjourney Will Ban the Images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

AI platform seeks to limit the spread of deepfakes

Gabriel Bertrand


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Generative artificial intelligence could wreak havoc in anticipation of the upcoming American presidential elections.

That’s why Midjourney, one of the most used tools to create images from scratch with AI support, is considering banning its users from using the platform to generate politically themed images.

Midjourney CEO David Holz stated that the company is “close to pounding” — a term used to indicate a ban — images like those of Biden and Trump “for the next 12 months.”

Midjourney wants to avoid finding itself in an uncomfortable situation close to the presidential elections and is trying to take action before users can use its AI to spread images similar to that of the former president’s arrest.

I know it’s fun to make photos of Trump: I myself create photos of Trump. Trump is aesthetically very interesting. However, it’s probably best to avoid it now: better to step back a bit during



Gabriel Bertrand

Graphic designer. I'm on a sabbatical in order to write screenplays.