We Are Not Multitaskers

Multitasking is a Myth

From my personal experience.

Her Thoughts


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

I recently realized this. I tried multitasking my studies & coding. As a result, I didn’t perform well in my studies.

I am not saying it’s not possible to manage both. My point is you have to organize things before you start working towards it.

First of all who is a multitasker?

One who gives equal attention to more than one thing simultaneously & is able to manage them for a certain duration.

I will burst your bubble here.

Nobody can give equal attention to 2 things simultaneously.

There is always some variation. As a result, distraction takes birth.

If humans were so good at multitasking, why do great people always tell us to focus on one thing at a time?

Because they know how the human brain works.

It can’t do many things at a time.

1 thing. For a longer period. Then you Excel in it.

Now let me tell you where multitasking works.

When you are so good at certain things they are natural to you now so you focus on the other things while managing all at the same time.

By natural I mean, through experience or trait.

There are so many examples like eating your food while watching something. Yup, you are multitasking here.

It may seem so silly from a large pov but when you dig a little you understand how your body parts are collaborating to give the experience you want.

All these happen sub consciously.

You can’t multitask things when you are a learner. You need to give certain time in order to become an average atleast.

Let the brain form the blue print of your work.

Then it will co-operate with you.



Her Thoughts

I'm a small writer who is willing to put her thoughts in front of the world and learn new things every day. I like writing and when someone reads it.