My Executive Dream

Navigating My Journey and Pursuing an EMBA In The Age of Artificial Intelligence

Mayur Jadhav
4 min readDec 7, 2023


This is not my childhood dream.

I don’t want to glamorize it, nor do I have the intention to praise myself by saying something that is not true.

This is my current dream, which has evolved during my journey so far. My current life situation also allows and supports me to see dreams like this.

I have been thinking about this for the last 4–5 years, and I feel blooming AI tech is the trigger point.

Today, I see a major gap and a big opportunity for fresh, young, and futuristic executives.

The world is experiencing the second major innovation on Earth. The first one was the “invention of computers”, and the second was “Artificial Intelligence.

There are a lot of mixed reactions to AI technology, and some people are finding it hard to see the future with AI technology.

In my opinion, AI is the clear and bright future ahead. The people and organizations who adopt this technology will survive in the future. To make this transition or build something new from scratch, this world will need new leaders, and executives who can relate to this new technology, trust it, and aren’t afraid to make bold decisions.

I’m pretty sure today’s leaders have already started realizing what needs to be changed and why so. I do not doubt seeing them succeed.

My dream is to join their hands, do my bit to speed up the process and help organizations as much as I can.

The Class Representative

I still remember leading my class throughout primary and secondary schooling. We used to have 10–14 boys and 20–25 girls in our class, a clear majority and dominance.

I had a responsibility to lead those boys. Honestly, we were the worst students in the class academically, including myself.

As the class representative of the boys, there wasn’t much administrative work. My only role was to keep the class together, in most cases help them with studies, and make sure everyone should at least get passing grades so we all get promoted to the next class.

I kept the boys together, had lots of fun, created mesmerizing memories, helped them with studies, and of course, during the exams, in my capacity. Because I wasn’t the brightest student in the class.

I was a below-average student. I hardly got 60% grades, which was kind of the highest among other boys.

That unique situation created the opportunity and experience that I wouldn’t have gotten elsewhere.

My Goal — To Earn Money

The only major goal I had that I remember throughout my childhood was to earn lots of money and be financially free.

I didn’t know the term “financial freedom” back then, but the intention was to get away from all the money problems.

In fact, during my schooling days, it was my wish, not my goal. I used to wish with no adequate action, probably that’s the reason I wasn’t serious enough in my studies.

I spent my entire childhood playing cricket, hanging out with my cousins, running around the mountains, swimming in the rivers and lakes, and whales.

I had no specific thing on my mind, no direction. It’s kind of a blank paper, and I was about to write something on that blank paper in the hope of earning lots of money.

That was the plan. That was my goal, or I’d rather call it my golden WISH.

The reason I am talking about studying is that education is the only way forward to do something good in life, and that could eventually lead to earning money.

When you’re sitting in a rural area with no mobile phones, no internet, and barely connected to the world, you have no other options than going through the proven traditional way- climbing the education ladder.

Primary and secondary schooling is free if you’re in a government school. Graduation costs you more money, master’s costs you even more money.

My Plan For EMBA

I have been living in Norway for more than 6 years now. Our financial condition has improved. I no longer have a one-and-only goal to earn lots of money.

There are lots of things I want to do which may or may not attract money, and I’m fine with it. For example, I’m writing this essay with zero monetary expectations.

As mentioned earlier, my current life situation and mindset I have right now allow me to pursue my wild dreams which I have now. The executive dream is one of them.

I’m joining one of the prestigious business schools in Norway to learn and build executive skills through their 1.5-year-long part-time EMBA program.

I hope I’ll manage to crack this executive code and become a good executive to help organizations in many different ways through my knowledge and skill sets.

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Mayur Jadhav

BI Developer. Writer. Creative Educator. Building → | 43k on LinkedIn