This Is How Much I Made With My First Writing Job On Upwork!

This is a story when I got my first client to work for.

2 min readOct 26, 2023


It was a $15 contract. $5 contract for a single article and I wrote him 3 articles. I still remember, when it took me over 6 hours to write a single article but I kept going because I was so happy and excited.

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

It all started when I told my brother in 2022 that I wanted to work on Upwork as a writer while he was a successful freelancer but his work is more about programming.

He wasn’t sure about writing, so he advised me to learn a skill of graphic design and polish that skill since I am good at drawing and designing.

But I was just interested in writing so I made an account, verified it built up my profile, wrote some samples, and submitted to a few jobs.

Guess what?

The very first job I submitted a proposal to, replied and hired me for ghostwriting.

I had “Turnitin” as well at that time so I used to make sure my articles were plagiarism-free.

I wrote him over 1k words, well-researched articles, each for $5.

This was indeed a huge motivation for me to continue working as a writer.

We then later ended the contract on good terms and he left a positive review on my profile.

It has been almost 2 years now since my first job on Upwork. I then didn’t apply for any jobs. I was too caught up in my studies and thought I should stop freelancing even though it was going pretty fine.

I didn’t apply for any job for the next 10 months but then I started to apply for jobs again and have done many jobs in total till today.

I can’t apply to jobs every time because the “connects” from Upwork are not too many and I can’t keep spending money on “connects” and getting none in return.

I think I have to keep calm and be patient with Upwork since it is a slow growth and it takes time to keep achieving your milestones.

Although, I am happy with the progress so far.

I believe, once you are successful on Upwork then the situation will be much better than the struggle we face now as a beginner.

Successful freelancers are offered better job opportunities.




A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.