My Introvert Thoughts Over a Cup of Coffee

People, who needs them? We are never alone with ourselves.

Blank Voice
3 min readDec 28, 2020


Green Turtlecafe in Yeongdo, Busan, South Korea

I am writing this from a coffee shop in Yeongdo, Busan (South Korea). The name’s Green Turtle. Everything in here is so ‘green’ and thus peaceful. This is a bit off the main street so no one usually checks in even during busy hours; which made this place my usual go-to cafe. My favorite part is the ambiance of this cafe which always makes me feel I am at home and the serenity which gratifies me to the core. I always feel mentally sane and helps me write some of my potential thoughts into a flawless post.

This place brings pure silence and sanity into my thoughts. When I am not in the right place, I used to be the insane and the clumsy awkward one whom others label ‘ a mess’. I ain’t worried about that ‘coz I know that I am one and I never let it go to my heart.

It is a weird fact that I honestly think those are the ones who truly hold something actually pure in them and have their heart sorted. They might be the ones whose eyes are colored with shades of madness but have golden souls within them and believes in making other people cheer, just by their idiocy.

I bet if you could just throw yourself into a room with such loners; they will cleanse your soul and make you rise like a phoenix. They are uniquely remarkable with respect to rationality and reasonability. Trust me! Loners have so much tenacity in them… You’ll be amazed once you know.

“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continued to disappoint them”

-Jodi Picoult (My sister’s keeper)

I always found these words encouraging and soothing towards my choice of solitude. I cannot explain how much this means to my life. No matter how much I tried to find good in people, they never failed to disappoint me. My friends, colleagues, relatives, even some very closer people I held closer to my heart did their best in tearing me apart — often shattering me. I am tired of this non-stop nonsense. Every time this happens I march one step ahead in isolating myself in a box, making my own space.

This is my perfect and satisfying cup of Green Tea Latte from the cafe

I wanna surround myself with clean introvert souls like this; messy, insane, outrageous, insomniacs, with words of wisdom; who exhale creativity to form masterpieces of art after their uncountable sleepless nights.

We; the introverts:

  • Yearn/desire for the warmth of our ‘self’ to envelop our precious souls
  • Radiate the vibrance energy (so powerful than a nuclear explosion) from our ‘self’ filling the vastness in the space all over
  • Witness the readiness of our ‘self’ to accept your flaws as our hearts speak through; to implant an optimism via generating fullness of your void soul
  • Wear our ‘self’ assurance like a crown on the head; proudly yet wander politely
  • Be richly bountiful with generous looks but the infinite notion always flows in the head
  • struggle throughout our path yet succeed with honor; walk through our enviable path of truth and honesty; here we can only thrive
  • can always flourish and prosper, yet chose to covet over a lousy sunset to standby and resent
  • walk proudly holding nothing that is meant for us; without regards but keeping arms wide for all that is worth bowing-down

I’ve never known that I loved being alone this much. This sure does feel good. Not overwhelming. Not underwhelming. This is just the right amount of emotion. Astounding and remarkably satisfying…!

