My Love-Hate Relationship With Early Mornings

Story of my life

Shareen Aqueel
2 min readJan 29, 2024


Early mornings. Ugh. It’s a long word, yet it holds so many different pieces of different emotions. Laziness, happiness, excitement, angst, and whatnot.

If we’re actually, truly, being honest, I am not a morning person. I never have been, and I can never be one. I have heard my friends tell me about how they wake up early, get ready for the day, start on their chores, and just… be productive, you know? And then I wonder how? But the next thing that pops up in my mind is, “I’m gonna do this from now on as well!”. Yeah keep dreaming, Shareen is what my mind doesn’t immediately tell me. It waits. Patiently. It waits for me to first, dream completely and then break it to me. So yeah, if there’s one thing I have learned in the past 19 years of my life, it is that I’m not a morning person. At least not until I have to wake up at 6 to catch a flight to London for my vacation. Then I’m the morning-est person you’ll ever meet.

You know that one person who’s always like, “Oh yeah yeah, let’s wake up early tomorrow and study for the upcoming exam!” and then wakes up at 2 in the afternoon? Yep, that’s me. Or that person who’s always saying, “I would love to wake up early and go on a jog every day!” and then goes to sleep at 5 in the morning? Yep. That’s also me, and it’s kinda embarrassing. I know. But so what? I am who I am, right? I’m so much more than what I just described above. I am…um.

I am the person who wakes not a minute after 5 in the morning if the goal is to get up, get dressed, look cute, and then have a cute little breakfast with friends in a cute little cafe. I’m the person who’s perfectly okay with waking up early in the morning if you need me, if you need a shoulder to cry on, doesn’t matter if I slept 2 hours ago or 2 minutes ago. I will be there. I’m the person who’s all ready at 7 in the morning even if there’s still 5 hours in the flight or the person who can easily wake up early in the morning to travel to a destination wedding but would and could never wake up before 1 in the afternoon to study for their exams.

As I said, I have the biggest love-hate relationship with early mornings. I have gotten up at 5 in the morning with so many emotions, I can’t describe, and if early mornings have taught me one thing, it is that it’s all about priorities. Literally all of it.



Shareen Aqueel

Avid reader with a knack for writing about food, books, movies & traveling.