My Misadventures in Online Dating

Bumbling into Love

Edwin J. Gasque


Photo by Good Faces Agency on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (also known as my room), I decided it was finally time to dip my toes into the treacherous waters of online dating. Armed with a hopeful heart and a complete lack of dating experience, I bravely ventured into the wild world of Bumble.

Little did I know that this journey would turn into a hilarious comedy of errors, and I would end up with a stack of unread books and a single status that would make even the most introverted hermit crab say, “Dude, get out more!”

As a straight male in the 21st century, I felt the peer pressure of my ever-so-happily coupled-up friends, who insisted that Bumble was the way to go.

“It’s like shopping for love,” they said. “You just swipe right on the ones you like and left on the ones you don’t. It’s that simple!” they assured me. How could I resist?

It sounded so straightforward and efficient, like a fast-food drive-thru for affection.

So, I downloaded the app, created my carefully curated profile, and embarked on my quest for true love….. Or at least a date….. Or maybe just someone to talk to.

As I swiped right with reckless fingers, I couldn’t help but notice that Bumble was a bit like a game show, and I was the contestant vying for the affections of a mystery date. Except, instead of winning a tropical vacation, I was more likely to win a chat with someone whose bio simply said, “Netflix and chill.”

As I matched with a few potential partners, I realized that striking up a conversation on Bumble was like trying to make small talk with a brick wall.

My opening lines, carefully crafted to show off my wit and charm, were often met with responses like “Hey” or the dreaded “Wyd?” Clearly, I was in a league of my own when it came to dazzling first impressions.

My troubles didn’t end there….

The art of scheduling a date proved to be equally baffling. It seemed that everyone had their own schedule, full of gym sessions, dog walks, and Netflix binges. I, on the other hand, had a busy calendar of reading novels and contemplating the meaning of life from the comfort of my room.

When I suggested meeting up, I was often met with a bouquet of excuses. “Sorry, I have a yoga class with my cat,” or “Can’t make it, I’m washing my curtains.”

It was as if my potential matches were determined to keep their personal lives as mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle.

Despite my best efforts, I found myself spending more time reading in my room than outside on actual dates.

I began to suspect that Bumble was not the love potion I had hoped for. It was more like a time warp that sucked me into a vortex of endless swiping and virtual conversations that never materialized into real-world interactions.

In the end, I realized that my quest for love had turned into a comedy of errors. I had become the protagonist of a rom-com gone horribly wrong, and the only person I was getting to know was myself.

You know what they say: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” So I did just that. I embraced my inner bookworm and decided that if true love was going to be elusive, at least I’d have a library of unforgettable stories to keep me company.

So there you have it… My adventures in Bumble-land may not have led me to my happily ever after, but they did teach me one valuable lesson: sometimes, it’s okay to be single and spend quality time with your books.

After all, who needs a real date when you can have a hot date with a captivating novel in the comfort of your own room?



Edwin J. Gasque

"Two steps forward to every one step back..." -P.W. Making dreams a reality. That is why I have started an account on medium.