My secret to being productive even on days when motivation is low

Productivity Tips That Work

Rajib Patra
3 min readOct 16, 2023


Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash

Hey, it’s Rajib here, just a regular content writer like many of you.

I know how it feels when you wake up one of those mornings, and the motivation to work is missing in action.

It’s like trying to start a car with an empty gas tank. But guess what?

I’ve stumbled upon some everyday secrets that can help you sail through even the most uninspired days.

So, let me take you on a little journey through my life as a content writer and unveil these down-to-earth productivity tips.

Small Steps, Big Results

Picture this: you’re faced with a massive to-do list, and all you want to do is crawl back under the covers.

Well, that’s me on most days. So, what do I do?

I break down those colossal tasks into tiny, manageable bits.

It’s like eating a massive sandwich one bite at a time.

And with each bite, you build momentum, you gain confidence, and you find yourself plowing through your tasks like a champ.

Find Your Inspiration

Ah, the good old “inspiration.” It’s different for everyone.

For me, it’s music. That gets me going like nothing else.

Whenever I feel stuck, I hit play, and it’s like a switch goes off in my brain. It’s my secret weapon.

What’s yours? Is it a quote, a video, or maybe even a cat video?

Find it, embrace it, and use it to kickstart your engine.

Share and Thrive

Accountability is a bit like having a gym buddy but for work.

I found this friend (let’s call him Sam), and we started sharing our daily goals.

It was like making a pact to keep each other in check.

Knowing that Sam was there to call me out if I slacked off was all the motivation I needed.

It’s like having someone in your corner, cheering you on even when you’d rather be Netflix-binging.

Break Time, Play Time

We all need breaks, and not just any breaks — smart breaks.

I love taking short breaks where I do things I genuinely enjoy. Like strolling in the park or indulging in a hot chocolate.

These moments of “me time” are like pit stops in a marathon. They recharge your batteries and keep you going strong.

Be Kind to Yourself

Now, here’s a big one: self-compassion. It’s okay to have those days when the spark just isn’t there.

I’ve had plenty of them. But instead of beating myself up, I’ve learned to go easy on myself.

It’s like giving yourself a permission slip to take a breather when needed.

Because we’re only human, and even superheroes have their off days.

Celebrate the Little Wins

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate the small victories.

Completing a task, no matter how tiny, is like a gold star on your productivity chart.

It gives you a boost of motivation, just like a high-five from a friend who’s proud of your achievements.

So, my friend, productivity isn’t about running yourself into the ground every day.

It’s about finding that balance and giving yourself room to breathe.

So, even on those days when you wake up with your motivation hiding under the bed, remember these everyday secrets, and you’ll still conquer your goals.

Cheers to a week filled with accomplishments, big and small!

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Rajib Patra

Write about Entrepreneurship, Startup Ideas, Self Improvement and Personal Growth.