Naval Ravikant: The Last Business Podcast Episode You’ll Ever Need

How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky: A summary of Naval Ravikant’s best quotes about the principles you need to build wealth and freedom



The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness. Photo by Anik Mandal on Unsplash

Naval Ravikant’s “How to Get Rich: Every Episode” podcast is a 3-hour compilation of every interview he’s done on “How to Get Rich” and it is an absolute masterclass.

Inspired by his famous “How to Get Rich (without getting lucky)” tweet-storm, which has since been translated into dozens of languages, the prolific venture capitalist walks us through the bedrock of principles that have guided him from poverty in India to wealth in America.

He has harsh words for journalists and macroeconomists who criticize businesses without having ever built anything, arguing “You are losing brain cells by reading them.” In the same way, I am just a humble aspiring entrepreneur with no history and no track record (perhaps like many self-proclaimed business gurus of Medium).

So let me step aside as a mere messenger and student and let Naval take over from here.

The following is just the first hour of the How to Get Rich mega episode. I’ll discuss hours two and three in separate articles because I think they’ll be more…

