Navigating the Double Standard: Beyond “Body Count” and the Shadow of Roe v. Wade in the Age of TikTok

Jamal Ismail
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Man and woman about to kiss.
Photo by George Coletrain on Unsplash

In today’s digital landscape, the obsession with a person’s “body count” persists as a distorted measure of sexual worth. However, beneath this numerical scrutiny lies a glaring double standard, exacerbated by viral TikTok trends and legal battles.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of modern sexuality, confronting societal norms and the shadow of Roe v. Wade while exploring what true freedom, justice, and equality mean for ALL…

Exploring the Double Standard:

Deeply entrenched in archaic views of sexual purity, the concept of “body count” perpetuates harmful stereotypes and unequal treatment, particularly against women.

While men face minimal scrutiny for their sexual exploits, women endure harsh judgment and stigmatization for the same behavior.

This double standard not only erodes individual autonomy but also reinforces systemic inequalities, especially when amplified by viral TikTok videos that commodify and objectify women’s or, should I say, young ladies' sexual histories.

Diversity in Desires:

Just as our tastes in movies and music vary, so do our preferences in the bedroom. Whether one favors one-night stands or committed relationships, there’s no universal standard for sexual fulfillment.

It’s crucial to honor our unique desires and reject societal expectations that seek to police and shame our choices…

even in the face of viral TikTok trends that perpetuate the scrutiny of “body count.”

Quality Over Quantity:

Contrary to popular belief, a high “body count” does not equate to sexual prowess or fulfillment.

True satisfaction arises from meaningful connections and mutual pleasure, rather than from tallying conquests like trophies. By prioritizing the quality of our experiences over the quantity of partners, we can embrace the joy of genuine connection and reject societal pressures that dictate our worth based on sexual history, regardless of viral TikTok trends.

Safe and Consensual Encounters:

Consent remains the cornerstone of healthy sexuality, regardless of gender. Whether one has been intimate with one person or many, prioritizing safety and communication is paramount.

Let’s foster a culture of respect and consent, where everyone feels empowered to express their desires freely and without fear of judgment or coercion, even in the face of viral TikTok videos that perpetuate the objectification of women.

Rejecting Shame and Stigma:

Society often imposes judgment and shame on individuals, particularly women, for their sexual choices. However, our sexual histories belong to us alone, and we owe no one an explanation or apology for them.

It’s time to reject the stigma surrounding “body count” and embrace our sexual journey with pride and confidence, challenging systemic inequalities and viral TikTok trends that perpetuate the objectification of women’s sexual histories.

Embracing Diversity:

In the vast landscape of human sexuality, diversity reigns supreme. From quirky fetishes to whimsical role-play inspired by popular culture, our desires know no bounds.

Let’s celebrate the richness of our fantasies and revel in the joy of self-expression, unapologetically embracing the full spectrum of human desire, even as we confront viral TikTok trends that commodify and objectify women’s sexual histories.

Take away:

As we navigate the complexities of modern sexuality and confront the shadow of Roe v. Wade, it’s imperative to challenge the double standard surrounding “body count” and reproductive autonomy, even in the face of viral TikTok trends that perpetuate the objectification of women’s sexual histories.

By dismantling harmful stereotypes and advocating for true freedom, justice, and equality for all, we can redefine what it means to live authentically and unapologetically.

Let go of the numbers, honor your desires, and join the fight for reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, ensuring that the principles of freedom, justice, and equality extend to ALL…

screenshot with a message “not just the rich and powerful.”



Jamal Ismail

Copywriter | Storyteller |Digital Creator |Tech Troubleshooter. Writing about tech, self-improvement, family, and networking.