New AI Tool Delivers 10k Leads and $5k Profits within a Week

This AI Can Get You A Huge Email List Within Days

Sam Rome(Entrepreneurs Club)
4 min readDec 7, 2023


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This ChatGtp-like AI could grow your email list to 5k or 10k in just a few days, and it only gets you regularly used emails. This is a wholly new system that is so powerful. AI is advancing every day; we marketers finally have one that could help in the growth of our email lists.

Some people say, “Email marketing is dead.” They say that because most methods get them non-targeted emails (note: avoid email scraping and buying unless you’re professional at audience targeting).

Also, because most people drop emails they don’t regularly use, this problem is what this AI software solves.

It auto-captures visitors’ emails, but it only auto-captures visitors’ regularly used emails.

5000 visitors could turn into 5000 leads (As far as they use popular Media like FB, IG, Google, Amazon, etc.) It auto-captures visitor’s email

This Software leverages Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, and Twitter to automatically build an email list fast.

A huge email list is your very own network of regular buyers. A source of passive income.

This Email List Building AI Solves 3 Main Problems Faced By Every Email Marketer.

1. Build An Email List Fast With 10x More Engagement And Conversion

Problem 1. Most people would drop emails they don’t use, which results in less engagement and conversion.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Firstly, This AI software auto-captures only visitors' verified and most used emails. How would it know? (But that’s why I said ChatGtp-like power). So, know that building an email list with this AI gets you 10x more engagement and 10x more conversion; because it only auto-captures regularly used emails that are verified with Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.

2. Grow the Email List By Turning Every Visitor Into Verified Leads

Problem 2. Most interested visitors tend to be lazy or simply forget to opt in for their email address; this AI solves this problem.

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Building an email list with this AI is so cool that every visitor and every click on your landing page will turn into qualified leads.

Yes, you now have the power to turn all interested visitors who land on your page into leads. Not just leads, but also auto-capture their regularly used emails. And since they are interested visitors, they’ll welcome your emails and be regular buyers.

Grow Email List While Solving Your re-targeting problems

Problem 3. You would have to pay for re-targeting web visitors, but with this AI, all your web visitors would become your leads.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Since this tool grows your email list by turning every visitor and every click to your sites into verified leads, the problem of web visitors not dropping their emails is solved, and so is the retargeting problem. You could save a lot of money spent on retargeting. Let’s see how it works.

How It Works

As I said, it uses the power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Yahoo, and Twitter to build an email list automatically and quickly. It auto-captures visitors' email addresses that are already verified by these platforms. Here’s how it works in two steps.

Step 1.

Copy the link to your landing page or website into the software. It’ll generate a unique link redirecting to your site.

Step 2.

Share that link anywhere; on social media, blog posts, and running ads with it. Anyone who is interested and clicks on your link, the AI will automatically capture their verified emails used on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, and Yahoo. It’ll only auto-capture emails they use regularly.

You can also scale it with paid ads and get thousands of targeted, verified, regularly used emails. Since every click turns to lead.

You Could Get Google ads done for you by professionals.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Building an email list involves many strategies and tools, but this new tool could save you lots of time and money. Mostly because it’s a full-package software, specially made with features to grow email lists fast.

As an email list-building software, it also has features like an auto-responder, unlimited email recipient storage, email campaign templates, a landing page builder, and more. All tools are beginner-friendly and free to use. It also has a store of best-performing affiliate products to sell from different niches.

So Click Here To Begin Your Journey and auto-capture all your visitors’ regularly used emails only, and get regular buyers.

(This post contains affiliate links, I’ll get a commission if you buy from my link)

Thanks for reading.



Sam Rome(Entrepreneurs Club)

I share knowledge of life lessons I've learned from reality, and my past failures. I write about passive income, etc. You can