Newbies’ Guide to Stop Struggling On Medium

Blanca Sánchez
4 min readJan 31, 2024

Find Your Voice! There will always be someone who will want to read you

Photo by Sierra Koder on Unsplash

I know you need this the same way I did. I’m here, too, working on my journey. You’re not alone. Take the time to read it and put in the work. Good writers come from purpose, creativity, and trust in their skills.

Writing is a thrilling pursuit, but discovering their niche can be an overwhelming challenge for many authors. However, with dedication and patience, you’ll make it, and you’ll thrive once you stop and reflect on your unique voice.

Achieving success in the literary world is entirely possible. I want to share with you what works better for me. Life is long, and so is our writing.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Here are my best pieces of advice that genuinely resonate in my heart to get you started. They will help you make a significant impact on Medium:

Explore Your Interests
Before diving into writing, reflect on your interests. What subjects ignite your passion? What are your unique experiences? Exploring these aspects will help you identify topics you can write about authentically and passionately. People want to know about your experience, not only your achievements in life. Share your journey to connect more with other readers.

If you’re going to trust one person let it be yourself. -Robert Tew

Research the Literary Market:

It may seem overwhelming initially, but take time to reflect and study the stats.

Familiarize yourself with the current literary market: research popular genres, emerging trends, and standout authors. Identifying what is resonating will allow you to tailor your writing to audience preferences while maintaining authenticity.

Define Your Target Audience:
Understand who you’re writing for. What is your target audience? Defining this will help you adapt your style and tone to connect with your readers effectively.

Don’t try to catch everyone’s attention if you want to be successful, and don’t burn out. Write from the heart, putting all your experiences on it to make it worth sharing.

Experiment with Different Genres:
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different genres. Write poetry, fiction, and non-fiction; experiment until you find the style that best suits your voice. Versatility can open up new opportunities.

Engage in Literary Communities:
Join online and offline literary communities. Sharing your work with fellow writers and receiving feedback will help refine your style and provide valuable insights into your potential niche.

Photo by Perfecto Capucine on Unsplash

Maintain a Writing Routine:
Consistency is key. Set up a writing routine that fits your lifestyle. Regular practice improves your skills and helps you discover your authentic writer’s self.

Learn from Your Failures:
Don’t fear failure. Every rejection and mistake is a learning opportunity. Critically analyze constructive feedback and adjust your approach accordingly. Growth often comes from adversity. Every step is a new possibility to help you become your better version. Let your intuition guide you throughout the process.

Stay Open to Evolution:
As you grow as a writer, your interests are likely to evolve. Stay open to those changes. Don’t confine yourself to a single niche; allow yourself to grow and explore new creative directions.

Feeling stuck at some point is expected. You can know how to deal with it in my article. It’s not the end, so don’t blame yourself and keep going. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Celebrate Your Achievements, No Matter How Small:
Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Every word written and every piece completed is a step toward success. Self-affirmation will keep you motivated on your writer’s journey.

Discovering your niche as a new writer may take time, but every step brings you closer to that unique connection with your readers.

Don’t be disheartened by challenges; embrace them as opportunities to grow and evolve. With patience and dedication, you will find your distinctive voice and open the doors to an exhilarating literary journey.

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I would love to have you along my journey and be part of your growth.

