Not Leaving Your Comfort Zone When You Need To

Israel Yemane
2 min readJan 22, 2024
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Let me start by sharing a story about a guy named Bob. Bob, aiming to excel in school, faced the emotional burden of consistently lagging behind his peers. Determined to change, he meticulously planned a study regimen. Yet, when faced with the actual work, Bob succumbed to the temptation of constant breaks, hindering any progress.

The awareness of staying within your comfort zone when you shouldn’t is a common struggle. There are times when the temptation to take a break instead of working beckons, and the regret that follows hours later is palpable. Pushing through and doing the work, however, brings a sense of accomplishment by the end of the day.

This feeling hit me particularly hard when I planned to study but didn’t stick to the plan. The regret was overwhelming, making it tempting to lower my goals. This consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg. If you perpetuate this pattern over years, a more profound and enduring pain may emerge.

You might dismiss it as a minor issue, but reflect on why the goals set for 2023 didn’t materialize. It often boils down to not stepping out of your comfort zone, even for a minute, ultimately leading to complete inaction.

Addressing this habit is challenging and requires a gradual process. It’s not as simple as deciding to stop tomorrow; the difficulty lies in the execution. Many people fail because they attempt to eliminate the habit in a single day, only to experience repeated setbacks. Instead, the key is to formulate a plan for overcoming this habit, then diligently follow it day by day.

The regret that accompanies missed opportunities and unrealized potential is profound. It’s a poignant disappointment in oneself for allowing comfort to impede progress, especially when failing to take essential steps toward personal or academic goals. Ask yourself, is the pain you’re going to feel, the temporary discomfort of taking action, preferable to the regret you’ll carry throughout your entire life? This regret won’t just linger in the background; it’ll manifest daily. Perhaps you won’t live up to your parents’ expectations, or you may not provide your children with the life you envisioned for them .



Israel Yemane

I'm sharing my knowledge and experience with you, and appreciating you for doing the same