On 3rd March 2024, I Turned 34.

34…Things Felt, Lessons I Am Learning & A Bit About Me.

4 min readMar 10, 2024


Images Taken By Author and Authors Own Image
Images Taken By Author and Authors Own Image

(The images are taken at Pawna Lake where I went for a swim on my birthday)

  1. I have never been married and I don’t have any babies.
  2. I feel younger at 34 than I did at 28. Even though I am starting over.
  3. I felt peer pressure coming from within towards “settling down” in my late twenties than I do in my 30s.
  4. I don’t say that as a good or bad thing only as a point of observation.
  5. I realize what you don’t know, doesn’t exist for you.
  6. I can never understand If I am an introvert, an extrovert, an ambivert, or Whatever…
  7. I don’t like putting myself in labeled boxes sanctioning pre-approved behaviors to suit the label pasted above. It’s limiting.
  8. I like to surprise myself.
  9. I don’t completely understand loneliness. I don’t mind feeling it fleetingly.
  10. I often romanticize isolation.
  11. I don’t think we are meant to stay the same.
  12. Changing your environment, your conversations, and your social circle:
    Breed’s new life.
  13. Our pasts as not meant for predicting with conviction that the future will be the same.
  14. Check-in: Are you living in an echo chamber only to have your prejudices validated?
  15. Broaden your horizons.
  16. When you feel like you don’t belong, don’t force yourself to fit in, but that doesn’t mean walking away from a challenge to become better.
  17. Walk out not when it’s the easiest thing to do. Walk out when you know you want better despite what the unknown entails pick that over the painfully familiar.
  18. Understand different kinds of pain. The pain of staying the same or the pain that comes with growth. Choose the latter.
  19. Just like romantic relationships friendships can be toxic too.
  20. Cut those bitches off but don’t be bitchy about it. That’s classy
  21. Longevity is not an accurate assessor of relationships and not only assessor either.
  22. There is more power in silent private disconnections than in loud public announcements needing external validation.
  23. Dropping the need to convince people to agree with you, is liberating.
  24. I think laughing with friends over yourself is therapeutic.
    It helps take life less seriously.
  25. Not taking things seriously doesn’t mean you don’t take them, sincerely.
  26. Wars are fought under the pretext of peace. Pick better battels.
  27. A quote I am currently trying to live by is:

“If anyone can refute me — show me I’m making a mistake or looking at things from the wrong perspective — I’ll gladly change.
It’s the truth I’m after, and the truth never harmed anyone.
What harms us is to persist in self-deceit and ignorance.”- Marcus Aurelius

28. I have done scuba diving, sky diving, and bungee jumping.
Posting online freaks me out.

To lie to someone, you must first lie to yourself. Quit lying to yourself

30. I am learning not to take criticism personally and not retort with an attack.

31. If I don’t like what has been brought to my awareness, I try to understand why I don’t like it and if there is room for growth there, it is best to drop resistance.

32. With acknowledgment and acceptance of facts comes a degree of freedom from them and strength to change. Facts are not final.

33. Sometimes out of care, people project their truths on you because it’s been like for them. But if you know it’s not your truth. Be quick to reject their opinion(silently)


It is better to have walked a road less taken and fail than to pretend to fit in.
To appease an audience who doesn’t care.
Failing > I could have been stories…

35. An extra…PS:
I am an Ex-hunter turned writer. I create digital products and services to help you live a fitter and happier life. Enrolled to be a yoga life coach and a mindfulness-based cognitive behavior therapy practitioner.

If you’d like to talk to me. Check out Talk-Talk:)




X Head Hunter, Yoga Life Coach, MCBT-Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy practitioner. DeCoded: All For Making You Healthier & Happier :)