One freelancing lesson that took me a year to learn

Yasir K.
2 min readFeb 2, 2024
Image by storyset on Freepik

After failing all year and working hard I learned so many things that even a $10,000 course wouldn’t be able to teach me.

One of the worst ever mistakes of mine, that wasted my months was having no clear direction.

If you are driving on a road and you don’t even know where you’re going. You’d be burning your vehicle’s fuel and wasting your time.

So before learning any skill, you must make a clear plan and research:

  • Is your skill in high demand?
  • Who needs the skill you’re learning? Eg. business owners or companies…
  • What will you offer to them after you become an expert?

I was lost, I was trying to learn copywriting while having no idea what I was going to offer.

Or how I was going to learn it.

Hire a mentor or do it yourself

If you can afford to hire a mentor sure, you must! But if you can’t then you must have a clear roadmap of how you’re going to learn.

In my case, I can’t afford mentors for learning Email Marketing but I am learning by analyzing the pros and reading the top books.

So, without having this direction or a roadmap, I ended up spending months learning inefficiently and not being able to monetize that skill.

Lesson for you

I wish I had read this kind of article a year ago. With my failures, I am giving you a simple path if you want to succeed in the online freelancing world.

  1. Choose a high-demand skill (one that you love or are interested in)
  2. Invest in mentors or gather free resources to learn.
  3. Practice and learn that skill daily (never skip a day)
  4. Build a personal brand on social media like Medium, X (Twitter), or Linkedin to attract potential clients.

These may sound simple but it took me months to learn that. I swear if you follow this and make a clear direction, the journey will be a lot easier for you.

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Yasir K.

After studying top creators marketing tactics for months. I share all those secret sauces to build and scale your business online. READ MY ABOUT PAGE.