Overcoming Pre-Birthday Anxiety

Tips to Help You Enjoy Your Special Day

Victoria Taylor
6 min readDec 30, 2022


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As the big day approaches, it’s normal to feel a bit of anxiety. Birthdays can bring up a lot of emotions, including excitement, anticipation, and even fear. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone birthday or something more low-key, it’s important to take the time to enjoy the day.

Here are some tips to help you overcome pre-birthday anxiety so that you can make the most of your special day. With a little bit of preparation and self-care, you can celebrate your birthday with joy and appreciation.

Recognizing Pre-Birthday Anxiety

People often dismiss anxiety as being overly dramatic, or they think they “shouldn’t feel that way.” But anxiety is a very real emotion that many people experience, and there’s no shame in feeling anxious.

If you’re feeling this way before your birthday, it’s important to recognize your feelings and try to understand why you’re feeling anxious. It can also help to talk with a friend or loved one about how you’re feeling.

If you’re worried about how your friends or family members will react to your anxiety, you can also consider speaking with a therapist about your feelings. Remember that you don’t need to do it alone — some people want to help.

Understanding Your Emotions

Birthdays tend to bring up a lot of emotions, which can make it difficult to know how to celebrate. You may feel proud and excited, nostalgic, or even like you aren’t worthy of the day. You may also feel a mixture of these emotions or something completely different. It’s normal to have a range of emotions when you’re celebrating your birthday.

The key is to try to understand why you’re feeling certain ways so that you can celebrate in a way that feels authentic to you. Birthdays can bring up a lot of emotions.

Excitement. This is often what people feel when they’re young and their birthday is coming up. When you’re older and your birthday is coming up, excitement can still be an emotion. However, it can also be the product of nostalgia. If you were really excited about your birthday as a child, you may feel excited about your birthday now as an adult for this reason.

Nostalgia. This can be a very pleasant feeling, as it’s often associated with carefree childhood memories and loved ones. However, nostalgia can also make you feel sad or even like you’re not worthy of the day. If you’re feeling this way, try to understand why you’re feeling that way.

Pride. You may feel proud to have made it this far and excited to see what the future holds. Or you may feel proud of yourself for all that you’ve accomplished so far.

Shame. You may feel ashamed because you don’t feel worthy of the day or you don’t feel like celebrating. Or you may feel ashamed of having made it this far.

Practicing Self-Care

As we’ve discussed, birthdays can be very emotional. It can be easy to get caught up in the hype and pressure that goes along with the day. To avoid this, it’s important to practice self-care, which can help you manage those emotions and make sure you don’t get swept up in the hype.

There are lots of ways to practice self-care. They include:

  • Getting Enough Rest. Sleep can help your body and mind recharge, which can make it easier to manage your emotions and feelings. This can be especially important if you’re feeling anxious.
  • Eating Healthy. You want to fuel your body with good nutrients, which can help you feel your best. Avoiding foods that are high in sugar and sodium can help manage your emotions.
  • Breathing. It can be hard to manage your emotions when you’re stressed out, and often, people don’t even realize they’re stressed out. But breathing can help to lower your stress levels, which can make it easier to deal with your emotions.
  • Talking with a Friend. Sometimes, we need to get our feelings out. Talking with a friend can help you process those feelings and find a healthy way to deal with them.

Setting Intentions

Birthdays are perfect for setting intentions. Birthdays are a great time to reflect on your past year and set goals for the year ahead. Some people even set goals for each day of the year. Setting intentions can help you focus on what’s important and make sure you’re spending your time wisely.

When you’re setting intentions for your birthday, you can consider focusing on one or more of the following:

What you want to achieve. You can set intentions around your professional or personal goals. For example, you can set an intention to sign up for a new class or create a new project.

What you want to give. You can set an intention to give back to the world or your community.

What you want to learn. Setting an intention to learn a new skill or read more can help you make the most of your time.

What you want to achieve in relationships. You can set intentions for how you want to be in relationships with others.

Connecting with Loved Ones

Even if you’re usually excited about birthdays, it can be easy to get swept up in negative emotions if you’re spending the day alone. If you don’t have any plans, try to reach out to loved ones. If you’re feeling anxious about contacting loved ones, it can help to set some boundaries.

For example, you can set a boundary that you won’t talk on the phone or that you’ll only send emails. It’s also important to set boundaries if you’re feeling anxious about receiving gifts. You may want to let loved ones know in advance that you don’t want gifts or you want a low-key celebration.

Reminding Yourself of Accomplishments

You may be feeling anxious because you don’t feel like you’ve accomplished enough or that you deserve the day. Reminding yourself of the accomplishments you’ve had can help you feel more deserving of the day. It can also help you feel positive about your future so that you can look forward to what’s to come. It can be helpful to make a list of your biggest accomplishments or look back on a list you’ve made in the past.

Celebrating Yourself

It can be easy to get caught up in what you want to achieve in the future. But we also need to celebrate the present and all that we’ve accomplished so far. Try to make time to celebrate yourself, whether that’s by reflecting on your life or enjoying a special treat. It can be helpful to make a list of things you want to celebrate about yourself. Then, try to incorporate those things into your day.

Some ideas include:

  • Listening to your favorite music.
  • Eating your favorite food.
  • Visiting your favorite place.
  • Using your favorite piece of equipment.
  • Spending time with an important loved one.
  • Meditating or doing yoga.

Taking Time to Recharge

One of the best ways to deal with pre-birthday anxiety is to make sure you’re taking time to recharge. It’s easy to let the excitement of the day take over and let the hustle and bustle of social media take over. But it’s important to take time to relax and recharge.

Some ideas for taking time to recharge include:

  • Taking a break from social media.
  • Turning off your phone.
  • Reading a book.
  • Spending time in nature.
  • Getting a massage.
  • Meditating.
  • Going to bed early.

Making Plans that Make You Happy

You want to make sure that you’re celebrating in a way that makes you happy. While you might feel like you should be throwing a big party, if that’s not what makes you happy, don’t do it!

Celebrate in a way that makes you happy. If you want to throw a party, that’s great. But if you’d rather spend the day with a loved one, that’s also a great way to celebrate. Try to make plans that make you happy so that you can truly enjoy your special day.

Enjoying Your Special Day

The best way to overcome pre-birthday anxiety is to enjoy your special day. That doesn’t mean you need to go out and do something crazy. You can celebrate in any way that makes you happy. And as you enjoy your special day, it can also help if you take some time to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished. There’ve been so many special moments in your life that have led you to this day. And there will be many more moments to come in the future.

This article was co-written with a therapist from Sensera — a self-help app that provides daily CBT audio sessions and exercises. The app helps people deal with a variety of mental issues (anxiety, low self-esteem, and relationship problems). Download now to become happier!



Victoria Taylor

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: https://sensera.app