Ozempic for Weight Loss: Is It Worth the Risks and Cost?

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5 min readMar 4, 2024

Crafted in Collaboration with RND Barbara Kovalenko, our Nutritional Consultant at Lasta.

source: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/injection-pen

In the perpetual quest for effective weight loss solutions, pharmaceutical interventions often emerge as promising options. One such medication that has garnered attention in recent years is Ozempic (here is more about potential). Originally developed to manage type 2 diabetes, Ozempic has increasingly found its way into weight loss regimens. But is it truly worth considering, given its potential risks and associated costs?

Ozempic: Double Threat to Diabetes and Weight

Ozempic, also referred to as Semaglutide in scientific terms, is a prominent member of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists class. These medications operate by emulating the actions of GLP-1, a pivotal hormone involved in regulating blood sugar levels and inducing sensations of satiety, consequently curbing one’s appetite. Through its mechanism of action, Ozempic assists in controlling blood glucose levels while also aiding individuals in managing their weight effectively.

By mimicking GLP-1’s functions, Ozempic offers the dual benefit of stabilizing blood sugar levels and fostering a sense of fullness, thereby potentially reducing the risk of overeating. This unique characteristic makes it a valuable tool in the management of type 2 diabetes and associated weight management efforts. With its targeted approach in addressing both glycemic control and appetite regulation, Ozempic stands as an important therapeutic option for individuals striving to achieve optimal metabolic health.

People with type 2 diabetes should be reassured that there are a number of alternative GLP-1 analogue treatments available that work in similar ways to Ozempic including Rybelsus which is a tablet form of semaglutide for managing blood sugar levels. Healthcare professionals will work with patients to find the best course of treatment for them. — Douglas Twenefour.

How Does Ozempic for Weight Loss Work?

While primarily recognized as a medication for managing diabetes, Ozempic has garnered attention for its potential role in weight loss. This interest stems from studies suggesting that Semaglutide, the active compound in Ozempic, could lead to weight reduction. Although Ozempic itself is not specifically marketed as a weight loss drug, its cousin medication, Wegovy, has received FDA approval for weight management, utilizing a higher dose of semaglutide.

Semaglutide operates as a GLP-1 receptor agonist, augmenting the effects of the naturally occurring hormone GLP-1. Dr. McGowan, a specialist in the field, elaborates on GLP-1’s multifaceted impact on weight regulation. Firstly, GLP-1 affects hunger centers in the brain, particularly in the hypothalamus, diminishing hunger, appetite, and cravings. Secondly, it slows stomach emptying, prolonging the feeling of fullness and satiety after meals. The cumulative effect is reduced hunger, extended satiety, and ultimately, weight loss.

In a significant clinical trial sponsored by Novo Nordisk, nearly 2,000 adults with excess weight or obesity, without diabetes, were administered 2.4 milligrams of Semaglutide weekly, alongside lifestyle interventions. The results were compelling: those on Semaglutide experienced a remarkable 14.9% reduction in body weight compared to a mere 2.4% in the placebo group.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that the dosage of semaglutide in this trial exceeds that found in Ozempic. Notably, the FDA-approved weight loss drug Wegovy utilizes the same 2.4 milligram dosage of semaglutide. Dr. McGowan emphasizes that while Ozempic is sanctioned solely for diabetes management, Wegovy is specifically endorsed for weight management.

However, accessibility to Wegovy has been constrained due to high demand, exacerbating inventory and supply chain challenges. Consequently, many individuals have resorted to off-label use of Ozempic for weight loss, inadvertently affecting its availability for diabetic patients.

Cost Considerations

One of the foremost issues associated with Ozempic revolves around its affordability. Being a prescribed pharmaceutical, Ozempic often comes with a hefty price tag, especially for those lacking comprehensive insurance coverage. The substantial financial investment required for prolonged therapy could dissuade certain individuals from considering this treatment avenue, especially when more economical alternatives exist. This cost concern underscores the importance of accessible healthcare options for all individuals, ensuring that effective treatments like Ozempic remain within reach for those who can benefit from them.

Side Effects of Ozempic: Is It Worth It?

While Ozempic can be an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes, patients and healthcare providers need to be aware of the potential side effects associated with this medication.

Understanding these side effects is crucial for patients and healthcare providers to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Gastrointestinal Disturbances

One of the most commonly reported side effects of Ozempic is gastrointestinal discomfort. This can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. These symptoms often occur during the initial weeks of treatment and may gradually improve over time as the body adjusts to the medication. However, some individuals may continue to experience gastrointestinal issues throughout their treatment with Ozempic.


Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can occur as a side effect of Ozempic, especially when it is used in combination with other diabetes medications such as insulin or sulfonylureas. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may include sweating, trembling, confusion, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat. It is important for patients taking Ozempic to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly and be aware of the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Injection Site Reactions

Ozempic is administered via subcutaneous injection, typically once a week. Some individuals may experience injection site reactions such as redness, swelling, or itching at the site of injection. These reactions are usually mild and temporary, resolving on their own within a few days. Patients can minimize discomfort by rotating injection sites and following proper injection techniques as instructed by their healthcare provider.

Thyroid Tumors

In clinical trials, Ozempic has been associated with an increased risk of thyroid C-cell tumors in rodents. While this risk has not been conclusively established in humans, patients need to be aware of this potential side effect. Healthcare providers may monitor thyroid function periodically during treatment with Ozempic, especially in individuals with a history of thyroid cancer or other thyroid conditions.


Rare cases of pancreatitis, and inflammation of the pancreas, have been reported in patients taking Ozempic. Symptoms of pancreatitis may include severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Patients experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention, as pancreatitis can be a serious and potentially life-threatening condition.


Ozempic holds promise as a weight loss medication, thanks to its ability to promote significant weight loss in clinical trials. However, it is not without risks and comes with a considerable financial cost. Whether it is worth considering depends on individual factors, including medical history, tolerance for risk, and financial situation. Ultimately, the decision to use Ozempic or any weight loss medication should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, weighing the potential benefits against the potential risks and costs.

As with any health-related decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully and make an informed choice that aligns with one’s overall health and wellness goals.



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