Paddling on a Very Blustery Day

Stewarts Landing Chronicle, V4 №1, 29-May-2024

Randy Fredlund


A view of the Stewarts Landing Channel
Wind-at-the-back photo of home by the author

When one is away for a significant amount of time, familiar places are appreciated with new eyes.

There is little question that having a secluded waterway a few steps from one’s door is a great blessing. Even when the wind is blowing a little harder than a spoiled paddler might like, the water calls.

Once in the canoe paddling upwind, shoulders began to protest. “Shut up, sinews. The fabled Dave L. would never let a little discomfort dissuade him from paddling.”

The fabled Dave L. paddles a few days earlier. Photo by the author.

But a little further into the journey, discomforts and responsibilities are forgotten. There is too much of interest along the way to be distracted by small pains.

Healthy hemlocks show lighter-colored growth at the tips of branches. Photo by the author.

It’s always time to be on the alert for invasive species. New growth on the hemlocks is an indication that the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has not infested. With upwards of half the trees in the area being hemlocks, this deadly pest will be a disaster if not detected and eradicated.

The author took this photo after the butterfly signed the release form.

Thankfully not every moment needs to be spent monitoring invasive species. Is this a wild rhododendron that has drawn the attention of the tiger swallowtail? Please help, taxonomists.

Pitcher plant photo by the author

Is that really a pitcher plant flower or is it a tongue licking the greenery?

There were no human sightings on the trip, but ample signs that people inhabit the area.

Photo through the trees by the author.

What is this? It’s hard to tell what is happening on this roof, but one has to hope the owner has the good sense to supervise from the ground as young people do whatever the work may be.

Photo by the author

Dish alignment may be an issue.

“What’s that over yonder?” asked the author when he captured this photo.

It appears a walkway through the cattails is in progress. Hopefully, not too much attention is being paid to leveling construction. We’re often not on the level ‘round here.

Not quite finished. Photo by the author.

The spillway is functioning nicely as designed. It’s a 100-year-old dam delight.

After inspecting the flashboards, it was nap time. Thankfully, the wind pushed the canoe homeward.

Photo by the photo-somnambulist author.

Briefly waking, the author spied a medium-sized log that blinked its eyes and submerged when he got closer. This behavior was more like that of a large snapping turtle than a medium log.

The author captured this photo of exactly where the turtle had been.
The swallows made appearances but refused to pose at their condo for the author.
A family outing captured by the author.
The beaver has been characteristically busy. Photo by the author.
Finally, a ferns-in-“flower” photo by the author.

Then back to the dock. Time for a nap.

Often contemplated but rarely occupied by the author who took this photo.
Image of the trek of the author by the author. The ripples on the water due to the west wind are missing.

It’s good to see home.



Randy Fredlund

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.