Perfectionism Killed The Cat(Not Curiosity)

Chioma Ukpai
2 min readApr 1, 2024
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unspalsh

Today, I'm not here to lecture from textbooks or research papers. Nope, I'm diving straight into my own experience.

You know, I had this whole lineup of article ideas ready to go for March. Some were already written; others just needed a little polishing before hitting the publish button. But guess what? Not a single one of them made it to your screen.

As March drew close, I took a moment to reflect on my low output. Why the delay, you ask?

Well, turns out it was all down to that sneaky little monster called Perfectionism.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for putting out quality work.

But seriously, why is there an obsession with perfection?????

You do the research, draft that first version, give it a once-over... and then what? You scrap it all because it's not perfect?

I will work on a better piece later, you say (clownery🤡).

Let me tell you, that's a recipe for procrastination and laziness if I ever saw one. Plus, it's a real blow to your self-esteem. And I need to get started on the comparison game that perfectionism loves to play.

Waiting for perfection is a one-way ticket to Nowheresville. Because Newsflash: Perfect doesn't exist!

Sure, your first attempt might not be flawless. Heck, it might be downright messy. But if you wait until everything's just right, you'll never get anything done.

So, here's my advice: Do it anyway. Do it anyhow. Just do it!

Wrapping Up

In a few months, you'll look back at that first attempt, and you might cringe a little. But you'll also see how far you've come. You'll make those tweaks, learn from your mistakes, and keep growing.

So, let go of the quest for perfection and embrace the journey instead. Because trust me, it's the imperfections that make life interesting.

Toodles! ✨

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Chioma Ukpai

The Lazy Writer Writes ||Student||Health Writer||Building my passion.