Turning dreams into reality.

How to Picture Your Prosperity And Watch It Unfold Right Before Your Very Eyes

It all starts with your vision.

Jennifer Thompson
4 min readDec 2, 2021


Photo collage created by the author

The adage “a picture speaks a thousand words” is true! Pictures evoke emotions, and emotions communicate what matters to us. The power of visual images explains why advertising is so pervasive and influential. Images can trigger, motivate and move us.

Like the shocking image of the body of the three-year-old Syrian refugee washed up on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. That image shook us all and spoke louder about the plight of Syrian refugees fleeing from their homes than any words could have.

The Power of Your Imagination

Pictures start in our minds. As Robin Sharma said, “Everything is always created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” ~ The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Everything ever created starts in someone’s imagination.

